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Excess Laboratory property benefits education

By Public Affairs Office

October 15, 2002

Editor's Note: On Tuesdays in October the Daily Newsbulletin will publish an article focusing on an aspect of property management to coincide with Property Awareness Month at the Laboratory. In addition, Laboratory personnel can register to win a $100 gift certificate at the Property Management Web page.

Computers for learning program

More than $200,000 in computer equipment and printers were transfered to Northern New Mexico kindergarten through 12th grade schools in the Lab's recently completed fiscal year, according to a year-end report on the disposition of excess and surplus property produced by Johnson Controls Northern New Mexico.

The figure represents the acquisition cost to the Laboratory for this transferred equipment.

"This represents more than a 1,200 percent increase in the K-12 program," said Mike Shepherd, who manages JCNNM's excess/surplus property program on behalf of the Laboratory. "Last year K-12 schools claimed only $15,000 in available property.

"If you have a favorite accredited Northern New Mexico public or private school in mind that you think would benefit from free computers or printers, please inform the district superintendent that he or she may request a monthly list of available property by writing to salvage@lanl.gov by electronic mail or calling 667-6225," said Shepherd. "Property from the Laboratory goes to all schools north of Interstate 40, while excess property from Sandia National Laboratories is earmarked for schools in Albuquerque and south of I-40," he said.

"We've increased our efforts to work with Laboratory property administrators to do a better job of handling and protecting newer, better-quality equipment suitable for schools so everybody can benefit," Shepherd added.

For more information on the Computers for Learning program, contact Shepherd at 7-6225 or write to mshepherd@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

Laboratory Education Equipment Gift Program

In addition to the K-12 program, the Laboratory's Education Equipment Gift Program allows universities and colleges nationwide to request specific types of laboratory or computing equipment. Once the equipment is transferred, it belongs to the school free and clear, according to Thomasina Gurule, program administrator in Property Management (BUS-6). In the 2002 fiscal year, LEEG donations reached nearly $2.1 million.

"It's appropriate that we support science education at all levels," said Gurule. "Last year, 20 percent of the Laboratory's donations went to universities, while 80 percent went to K-12 schools, mostly in Northern New Mexico."

Contract and grant officers from accredited schools nationwide may request an application form by writing to leeg@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

For more information on the Computers for Learning program, contact Gurule at 5-8079 or write to gurule_thomasina@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

Other benefits from excess/surplus property

According to the Johnson Controls Northern New Mexico 2002 fiscal year report on the disposition of excess and surplus property

  • More than $2.27 million worth of excess property picked up from the Laboratory by JCNNM was subsequently returned to active service at the Laboratory, Protection Technology Los Alamos or JCNNM, thus helping those organizations avoid new procurements
  • More than $134,000 worth of excess property was transferred to other federal agencies
  • Nearly $600,000 worth of surplus property was donated to public bodies
  • The Laboratory re-couped $315,699 in proceeds from the sale of surplus property, scrap metal and firewood to the public. The money is used to offset the cost of operating the excess/salvage program.

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