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Lab videotape on beryllium safety wins national awards from film and video industry

By Public Affairs Office

September 9, 2002

The Laboratory and the Department of Energy recently received the 2002 Silver Screen Award for the training video "Beryllium Worker Safety." The award was given at the 35th annual U.S. International Film and Video Festival. The video also received International Film and Video Festival Certificates for Creative Excellence in direction, editing, and writing/concept. The competition is one of the world's leading events devoted to the selection and recognition of outstanding business, television, documentary, industrial and informational productions with entries received from 33 other countries this year, according to Rob Nicholas of Industrial Hygiene and Safety (HRS-5), which produced and developed the video for DOE.

"DOE and the Laboratory developed the video because of their concern for worker health and safety and their desire to make more information available to workers and their families," said Barbara Hargis of the Health, Safety, and Radiation Protection Division (HSR) Office.

The 30-minute video provides essential health and safety information for DOE beryllium workers. "Technical information is integrated with the personal perspectives of current and former beryllium workers who are showcased in the video and set the important tone for this training," said Nicholas.

The video was produced with contributions from current beryllium workers, former workers living with chronic beryllium disease, industrial hygienists, managers, occupational medical staff, scientists, risk communicators, private industry, numerous DOE sites and DOE headquarters.

"The video helps set a standard that everyone working with beryllium should attain," said Kathryn Creek of Materials Science and Technology (MST-6).

"Beryllium Worker Safety" also won a 2002 second place Telly Award out of 11,000 entries. This award recognizes outstanding non-network and cable TV commercial, film and video productions, as well as non-network TV programming, said Nicholas.

The video also received four 2002 Aegis Awards in the categories of Training, Director, Editor and Graphics. The Aegis Awards are one of the video industry's premier competitions for peer recognition of outstanding video production and non-network TV commercials, Nicholas said.

Present and former Laboratory, DOE and public sector employees involved in the production of the video are the producer, director and writer Nicholas of HSR-5; field video production by Fred Baker of Imaging Services (IM-4); Kendall Hollis of MST-6; Randy Sandoval of HSR-5; on camera interviews with Steve Abeln, Fred Algarra and Creek of MST-6, and former Lab employee William Van Buskirk; on camera demonstrations by Brian Bartram of MST-6; Richard Castro of Weapon Component Technology (NMT-5); Pat Cruz of Occupational Medicine (HSR-2); Paul Daly and Melissa Drake of Desktop Computing (CCN-2); Laurel Valentine of HSR-5; Stephanie Jacquez of Materials Technology Operational Support (MST-OPS); Raul Brunner and Rick Lauer of Weapons Materials and Manufacturing (ESA-WMM); Geraldine Lucero and Leroy Sanchez of Johnson Controls Northern New Mexico.

Technical advisors were Kim Ellis of MST-OPS, Babetta Marrone of Langham Resource (B-2), and Dr. Hugh Smith of HSR-2; training advisor was Helena Whyte of HSR-5; and project manager was Barbara Hargis of the HSR Division Office.

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