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Lab hosts contract signing ceremony

October 17, 2008

Promoting economic development in Northern New Mexico

Officials from San Ildefonso and Ohkay Owingeh pueblos, U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman, and Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio signed a $65 million contract Thursday at the Laboratory.

Pictured from left to right are San Ildefonso Pueblo Gov. Leon Roybal, Ohkay Owingeh Gov. Earl Salazar, Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio, U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman, and Don Winchell, manager of the Los Alamos Site Office of National Nuclear Security Administration. Standing near Bingaman is Evelyn Maes of the Government Affairs Office.

At the contract signing Winchell said, "This is a truly great event. We at LANL encourage this type of business venture. The TSAY conract is one of the successes we're proud to have achieved."

Ohkay Owingeh Gov. Salazar said, "This contract will have a huge impact not only for Ohkay Owingeh and EspaƱola, but for the whole of Northern New Mexico." He also thanked the Lab's Small Business Program Office in Acquisition Services Management Division. "Not only have they been supportive and sincere, they held true to their commitment to make this agreement happen," said Salazar.

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