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Phillips to outline CIA science

May 6, 2008

Director's Colloquium

The Central Intelligence Agency's chief scientist John Phillips will discuss CIA research and innovation activities at a classified Director's Colloquium Thursday afternoon in the National Security Sciences Building Auditorium.

This presentation is classified as Secret/NOFORN/U.S. citizens only and is open to Q-cleared badge holders and L-cleared badge holders with escorts. The talk begins at 1:10 p.m.

A former Los Alamos group leader, Phillips held numerous leadership positions at the Lab in nuclear safeguards, arms control and nonproliferation, chemical weapons detection and verification, environmental monitoring and remediation, nuclear facilities design, and the management of research and development.

He spent two years in Vienna, Austria, with the International Atomic Energy Agency and took part in IAEA inspections in Iraq, India, Taiwan, Germany, Russia, and Canada. He led the U.S. team in negotiations with the Russian Federation for improving nuclear safeguards at their nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facilities. He also worked with the British as co-chair of the US/UK Analytical Chemistry Working Group.

In addition to more than 100 technical publications and presentations, Phillips has master's and doctoral degrees in analytical chemistry, and a master's in business administration, all from the University of New Mexico. He also has a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics from Oregon State University.

See the Security Smart for more information on access requirements to the NSSB Auditorium.

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