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Computer attack reminder for employees

November 13, 2007

Be cyber security aware

The Laboratory is investigating a recent attack on its unclassified Yellow Network. A significant amount of unclassified material was removed. The exact nature of the stolen information is under forensic investigation.

Affected computers were disconnected from the Lab's network and the hacker's software has been disabled.

Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio reminded employees in an all-employee memo to be cyber security aware. "This recent occurrence is a reminder that awareness is the first and most important layer of defense against fast-spreading worms that target known vulnerabilities. The threat of comprehensive, malevolent attacks is continuous and high," said Anastasio.

He also reminded employees not to open unknown e-mail attachments or click on suspicious links, ensure that computers have the most recent operating system security patches, make sure anti-virus applications are installed and functioning with the latest software, and ensure that computers scan all files for viruses.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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