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Diversity Day Ice Cream Social Thursday

By Jaclyn Jon Valdez

August 22, 2007

Lab has seven working groups

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (HR-OEOD), along with the Diversity/Affirmative Action Board (DAAB) are sponsoring the second annual “Diversity Day Ice Cream Social” Thursday at the Otowi Building.

The ice cream social/recruiting event is from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., between the Otowi and National Security Sciences Building.

According to Amy Sahota of HR-OEOD, there will be a diversity of ice cream and toppings available. "This is a wonderful opportunity for Laboratory employees to learn about the Diversity Working Groups and to become part of the Diversity initiative at the Lab," said Sahota.

There are seven Diversity Working Groups (DWG’s) at Los Alamos:

• African American DWG
• American Indian DWG
• Asian Pacific DWG
• Deaf and Disabilities Awareness DWG
• Hispanic DWG
• Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex DWG
• Women’s DWG

Representatives from all the working groups will be at the social to give out information and answer any questions.

For more information contact Danny Valdez of HR-OEOD at 5-7215 or dlvaldez@lanl.gov via electronic mail.

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