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Sue Stiger to manage environmental cleanup at Laboratory

April 19, 2007

Sue Stiger has been named as the Laboratory’s associate director for environmental programs. Director Michael Anastasio announced Stiger’s appointment today in an all-employee memo.

“Sue is an extraordinarily talented and accomplished professional. She’s ideally suited to help achieve our ambitious goals and complex regulatory environment,” Anastasio said.

Stiger will join the Laboratory on April 30.

Stiger, who has managed environmental cleanup operations at some of the U.S. Department of Energy’s most challenging and complex sites, joins the Laboratory from Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.

Stiger saved taxpayers billions of dollars by safely and dramatically accelerating cleanups at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and the Rocky Flats Site near Denver while meeting stringent regulatory requirements. Her Idaho team safely shipped nearly 15,000 drums of transuranic waste to DOE’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in 27 months rather than the four years originally scheduled.

Stiger developed disposal strategies for DOE’s largest inventory of mixed and low-level waste, at Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee, where she achieved the Reservation’s first offsite shipment of low-level waste. She also accelerated completion of the transfer of spent nuclear fuel from the damaged nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island to safe long-term storage.

“Sue has worked closely with regulatory agencies to accelerate cleanups—and in a manner that’s highly protective of public safety and natural resources,” said Anastasio. “Her leadership will help ensure that we demonstrate excellence in environmental stewardship.”

Stiger has 30 years of experience in engineering, environmental restoration, waste management, and decontamination and decommissioning, the last nine years associated with Bechtel National Inc. She earned a civil engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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