Bringing people together to improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities

Code of Ethics

These principles are intended to aid members of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences individually and collectively in maintaining a high level of ethical conduct. They are guidelines by which a member may determine the propriety of conduct in relationships with clients, with colleagues, with members of allied professions and with various publics.

A member of the family and consumer sciences profession and of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences shall:

  • Maintain the highest responsible standard of professional performance, upholding confidentiality and acting with intelligence, commitment, and enthusiasm.
  • Fulfill the obligation to continually upgrade and broaden personal professional competence.
  • Share professional competence with colleagues and clients, to enlarge and continue development of the profession.
  • Support the objectives of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences and contribute to its development through informed, active participation in its programs.
  • Advance public awareness and understanding of the profession.
  • Maintain a dedication of enhancing individual and family potential as a focus for professional efforts.

Principles of Professional Conduct
The following Statement of Principles is intended to aid members of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences individually and collectively.

Statement of Principles of Professional Practice

The mission of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences is to provide leadership and support for professionals whose work assists individuals, families, and communities in making informed decisions about their well-being, relationships, and resources to achieve optimal quality of life.

These Principles of Professional Practice guide American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences members in all categories; those Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences; applicants for membership in the Association; and applicants for the Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences designation. The Principles also provide members of the Association with guidelines and with descriptions of the actions required for ethical professional practice.

Professional Competence
AAFCS members base their competence on educational degrees earned from regionally accredited institutions and from training, experience, and certification programs recognized by AAFCS.
AAFCS members seek continuing education reflecting new expectations, procedures, and values.
AAFCS members assure accurate presentation of their work by organizations with whom they are affiliated.
AAFCS members identify themselves as Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences in cases in which this designation is consistent with the procedures and guidelines of the AAFCS Council for Certification. They may use the CFCS acronym in this identification and designation.
AAFCS members claim competence only in an area or areas for which
they have education, training, and experience.
AAFCS members accurately present competencies of students, supervisors, colleagues, and others with whom they work.
AAFCS members practice within the law and within the recognized boundaries of their education, training, and experience.
AAFCS members verify the credentials of their employees and supervisors.
AAFCS members refrain from professional practice when impairment due to mental or physical causes, including chemical and alcohol abuse, affects professional competence. Members seek appropriate professional help for such impairments.

Respect for Diversity
AAFCS members respect differences in the abilities and needs of the people with whom they work.
AAFCS members recognize that differences exist among individuals and families and do not discriminate against or patronize others.
AAFCS members obtain education, training, and experience to provide competent services to persons of diverse backgrounds or persuasions.
AAFCS members conduct research relating to the uniqueness of individuals and families.
AAFCS members utilize and present subject matter in such a way as to recognize and develop appreciation of diversity.

Scholarship and Research
AAFCS members conduct, utilize, and report research using recognized research procedures and facilitate professional standards for the respective research foci.
AAFCS members secure review and approval of research designs by knowledgeable professionals consistent with standards used by institutional review boards.
AAFCS members, as part of research efforts, secure review of research designs by knowledgeable professionals not directly involved in the investigation.
AAFCS members secure the informed consent of research participants based on disclosure of the research design and potentially harmful effects of participation. Investigators are especially sensitive to consent among at-risk and protected populations.
AAFCS members honor individuals' choice to decline participation or withdraw at any time from research studies.
AAFCS members acknowledge through publication credit and other avenues the efforts and contributions of others to research activities.
AAFCS members are obliged to take steps to ensure that their research findings are accurately and clearly understood by consumers.

AAFCS members maintain and guard the confidentiality of persons with whom they have professional relationships.

Conflict of Interest
AAFCS members avoid conflicting roles and take active steps to prevent and avoid exploitation of the individuals with whom they work.
AAFCS members assume responsibility for fair treatment of consumers, other professionals, and individuals and/or families.
AAFCS members make financial arrangements with clients, third-party payers, and supervisors that conform to commonly accepted professional practices and that are easily understood by all populations served.
AAFCS members report truthfully all professional services rendered.

Responsibility to the Profession
AAFCS members support the objectives of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences and contribute to Association roles and development through active, informed participation.
AAFCS members advance public awareness and understanding of the Association and its mission.
AAFCS members respect the rights and responsibilities of peers.
AAFCS members devote time and energy to public policy issues and to the public good.
AAFCS members speak on behalf of the Association in ways consistent with the directives and policies of the Association Board of Directors.
AAFCS members utilize the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences logo only in ways approved by the Association Board of Directors.


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[ Last Updated · October 21, 2003 ]