Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
California and Nevada Region
Upper Klamath Refuge, Photo: Ed O'Neill

Upper Klamath Refuge was established in 1928 and is comprised of 15,000 acres of mostly freshwater marsh and open water. These habitats serve as excellent nesting and brood rearing areas for waterfowl and colonial nesting birds including American white pelican and several heron species. Bald eagle and osprey nest nearby and can sometimes be seen fishing in Refuge waters. A boat is a must for those who wish to explore this refuge. A marked canoe trail is open year round and canoes may be rented nearby.

Refuge Objectives:

  • Manage for the conservation and recovery of endangered, threatened, sensitive species and the habitats on which they depend.
  • Provide and enhance habitat for fall and spring migrant waterfowl.
  • Protect native habitats and wildlife representative of the natural biological diversity of the Klamath Basin.
  • Integrate the maintenance of productive wetland habitats and sustainable agriculture.
  • Provide high quality wildlife-dependent visitor services.

Significant Species:

  • American bald eagle
  • American white pelican
  • Osprey
  • Canada goose
  • Pintail, mallard, gadwall, canvasback
  • Western & eared grebes
  • Black tern
  • Great blue heron
  • Great egret, snowy egret
  • Lost River sucker
  • Short nosed sucker

Current Issues of Concern:

  • Loss of wetlands. The Klamath Basin has lost 80% of its original wetlands
  • Water quality.
  • Water quantity during drought years (balancing wildlife needs with basin agricultural demands). Water rights adjudication.
Great Egret Nestling, Photo: Ed O'Neill

Fun Fact:

  • A boat is essential to visit this refuge. A marked canoe trail is open all year.

Public Use:

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Last updated: October 24, 2008