USDA Forest Service

Fremont-Winema National Forests

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Fremont-Winema National Forests

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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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The Forest Land and Resource Management Plan


The Fremont and Winema National Forests are managed under the guidance of Land and Resource Management Plans. The Fremont Plan was published in 1989 and the Winema Plan was published in 1990. The plans have each been amended several times. Both Forests are scheduled to begin the Forest Plan revision process in 2007. That process will result in a single plan that covers both forests.


Fremont National Forest

Winema National Forest

Cover and Contents
[PDF - 288K]
Cover and Contents
[PDF - 305K]
Chapter 1
[PDF - 274K]
Chapter 1
[PDF - 152K] [MS Word - 181K] [RTF - 951K]
Chapter 2
Summary of the Analysis of the Management Situation
[PDF - 1,583K]
Chapter 2
Summary of the Analysis of the Management Situation
[PDF - 545K] [MS Word - 115K] [RTF - 658K]
Chapter 3
Response to Issues Concerns, and Opportunities
[PDF - 611K]
Chapter 3
Response to Issues Concerns, and Opportunities
[PDF - 1,080K] [MS-Word - 112K] [RTF - 95K]
Chapter 4
Forest Management Direction
[PDF - 6,893K]
Chapter 4
Forest Management Direction
[PDF - 5,462K]
Chapter 5
Implementation of the Forest Plan
[PDF - 921K]
Chapter 5
Implementation of the Forest Plan
[PDF - 1,822K]
[PDF - 1,733K]
[PDF - 2,524K]
[PDF - 3,931K]
[PDF - 1,266K]
Planning Map
[PDF - 1,358K]
Planning Map
[PDF - 1,152K]



Fremont National Forest

Winema National Forest

Date Signed: 10/89
Errata Sheet (issued with plan). Corrects errors in LRMP found after decision
Amendment: 1
Date Signed: 05/08/91
Change in the Standards and Guidelines for Management Area 10
Amendment: 1
Date Signed: 4/1/92
Title: Decision Memo - Deletes dates for completion of specific resource management plans and related activities.
Amendment: 2
Date Signed: 05/21/91
Change in management area 7 standard and guidelines for pileated woodpecker and inclusion of forest wide standard and guideline 4-19 for pileated woodpecker.
Amendment: 2
Date Signed: 09/14/92
Title: Decision Memo - Corrects organic residue size (pages 81 & 106) and adds list of operational considerations to Soils S&Gs in Chapter IV.
Amendment: 3
Date Signed: 03/05/92
Selection of old growth stands for inclusion in management area 7-OG.
Date Signed: 09/23/92
Title: Letter to Regional Forester - Recommends Augur Creek Reserve (MA 7) be changed to the Augur Creek Research Natural Area (RNA). Reference LRMP, pg. 159.
Amendment: 4
Date Signed: 11/25/92
Sycan Wild and Scenic River Plan
Amendment: 3
Date Signed:10/05/92
Clarifies range management related activities at various places in the LRMP and Appendices.
Amendment: 5
Date Signed: 04/13/94
Record of Decision for Amendments to Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Planning Documents Within the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl (Standards and Guidelines [PDF - 806K])
Amendment: 4
Date Signed:11/02/92
Designates .45 acres on Spodue Mountain as an Electronic Site.
Amendment: 6
Date Signed: 09/01/95
Matsutake Mushroom Management
Amendment: 5
Date Signed:11/25/92
Sycan Wild and Scenic River Plan
Amendment: 7
Date Signed: 05/20/94
Decision Notice for the Continuation of Interim Management Direction Establishing Riparian, Ecosystem and Wildlife Standards for Timber Sales
Amendment: 6
Date Signed:12/22/92
Sets schedule for a Schedule of Proposed Actions and makes the dates in the Schedule of activities (Appendix 1 & 2) no longer applicable. [DOC - 117K] [RTF - 116K] [PDF - 100K]
Amendment: 8
Date Signed: 06/06/95
Decision Notice for the Revised Continuation of Interim Management Direction Establishing Riparian, Ecosystem and Wildlife Standards for Timber Sales
Amendment: 7
Date Signed:12/11/92
Initially numbered 5; corrects and clarifies items in the LRMP. [DOC - 100K] [RTF - 798K] [PDF - 343K]
Amendment: 9
Date Signed: 07/28/95
Inland Native Fish Strategy [PDF-8,730K], Interim Strategies for Managing Fish Producing Watersheds in Eastern Oregon and Washington, Idaho, Western Montana and Portions of Nevada.
Date Signed:12/11/92
Corrects and clarifies parts of the Forest Plan and the FEIS.
Amendment: 10
Date Signed: 03/13/97
Addition to Blue Jay Research Natural Area.
Date Signed:02/03/93
Letter to Public - Combines the Buck and Antler semi-primitive non-motorized areas (See ROD, pg 19) into one area named the Yamsey Mountain Semi-primitive Recreation Area. [DOC - 96K] [RTF - 95K] [PDF - 117K]
Amendment: 11
Date Signed: 02/26/99
Postpone for one year the survey schedule for 32 "Survey and Manage" and "Protection Buffer" species
Date Signed:09/17/93
Letter to Rangers and Staff - Replaced Table 32 (LRMP pg 214-227) with an interim summary table of Forest Plan Monitoring and evaluation.
Amendment: 12
Date Signed: 02/18/2000
Decision Notice to delay the effective date for surveying 7 "Survey and Manage" and "Protection Buffer" species [PDF - 29K]
Amendment: 8
Date Signed:12/16/93
Decision Notice - Creates the Fishhole Lakes Recreation Area and amends the LRMP to include S&Gs for the area under MA 7.
Amendment: 13
Date Signed: 01/12/2001
Amendments to the Survey and Manage, Protection Buffer, and other Mitigation Measures Standards and Guidelines [PDF - 1872K]
Date Signed:03/29/94
Decision Memo - Changes Management Area designation on 274 acres from MA 5 to MA 16. Areas are old clearcuts and shrub fields of fire origin that would be uneconomical to reforest.
Amendment: 14
Date Signed: 03/22/2004
Decision to Clarify Provisions Relating to the Aquatic Conservation Strategy [PDF - 280K]
Amemdment RF-1
Date Signed:05/20/94
Region 6 Decision Notice - Makes the Interim Management Direction Establishing Riparian, Ecosystem, and Wildlife Standards for Timber Sales as part of the Forest Plan.
Amendment: 15
Date Signed: 03/22/2004
Removes the Survey and Manage Mitigation Measure Standards and Guidelines. [PDF - 1,181K]
Amendment: 9
Date Signed:04/13/95
Decision Notice - Establishes new boundary for Yamsay Mountain Semi-primitive Recreation Area.
Amendment: 16
Date Signed: December 17, 2004
Removes the LSR designation from about 2,000 acres within the Lake of the Woods area. The land allocation for Lake of the Woods under the Winema National Forest Plan, as amended by the Northwest Forest Plan, is changed to Developed Recreation/Administratively Withdrawn. Applies LSR designation to approximately 2,850 acres within the Cold Springs area where the allocation of Matrix is removed.
Amendment RF-2
Date Signed: 06/05/95
Decision Notice - Revises the description of the vegetative structural stages contained RF-1.
Amendment: 17
Date Signed: October 11, 2005
Regional Forester Record of Decision - Updates invasive plant management guidelines. Summary: [DOC-222K] [RTF-447K] [PDF-173K]. The complete Record of Decision [PDF - 579K].
Amendment RF-3
Date Signed: 07/28/95
Region 6 Decision Notice - Outlines management for Inland Native Fish Strategy [PDF-8,730K].
Amendment: 10
Date Signed: 02/28/97
Decision Notice - Revises HE (Habitat Effectiveness) from current plan standard of at least 80% to that of about 61% due to introduction of prescribed fire. APPLIES ONLY to Front Country Prescribed Burn, Silver Lake RD (4760 Acres).
Amendment: 11
Date Signed: 05/08/97
Decision Notice - Adds North Fork of the Sprague River Wild & Scenic River Plan to Appendix 9 of Forest Plan and establishes a detailed corridor boundary.
Amendment: 12
Date Signed: 08/06/98
Decision Notice - Reclassifies 13 timber stands totaling 531 Acres from MA 5 to MA 3 & 14 (old growth emphasis) on Upper Thomas Creek watershed, Lakeview RD.
Amendment: 13
Date Signed: 01/05/99
Decision Notice - Reclassifies Augur Creek Reserve from MA 7 ((Special Management) and the Augur Creek Addition from MA 5 (General Forest) to MA 8 (Proposed Research Natural Area [RNA]) and combines these areas with the Proposed Dead Horse-White Bark Pine RNA to create the Proposed Augur Creek RNA.
Amendment: 14
Date Signed: 02/11/99
Decision Notice - Adopts the grazing standards of the 1997 Warner Sucker Biological Opinion for all allotments in the Warner Mountains, Lakeview RD.
Amendment: 15
Date Signed: 06/02/99
Region 6 Decision Notice - Officially establishes the Augur Creek RNA, Paisley RD.
Amendment: 16
Date Signed: 05/06/99
Decision Notice - Adopts the grazing utilization standards of the 1997 Lost River and Shortnosed Suckers Biological Opinion for all allotments within the South Fork of the Sprague River watershed, Bly RD.
Amendment: 17 and 18
Date Signed: 05/06/99
Decision Notice - Site specific amendments to change habitat effectiveness and cover for mule deer (17) and allow timber harvest in MA 3 and MA 14 (18) in the West Fork Silver Creek watershed, Silver Lake RD.
Amendment: 19
Date Signed: August 29, 2002
Decision Notice - Site specific amendment for the Mortar Coyote Project on the Bly Ranger District to reclassify old growth areas based on suitability for dependent species. Change 82 acres from MA 14 (old growth habitat) to MA 5 (timber and forage production); change 167 acres from MA 5 to MA 14.
Amendment: 20
Date Signed: 08/22/2000
Decision Notice - Site specific amendment to change habitat effectiveness and cover standards and guidelines for mule deer within the Windmill planning area (transition range only) on the Silver Lake Ranger District.
Amendment: 21
This amendment was originally associated with lodgepole pine salvage on Winter Rim prior to the fire of 2002. That project and it's plan amendment was dropped. The Winter Fire Salvage and Rehabilitation Project includes a Forest Plan amendment dealing with old growth management areas, so it will be Amendment 21.
Amendment: 22 [PDF - 175K]
Record of Decision [PDF - 956K]
Date Signed: Pending
Record of Decision - Creates a new Management Area 17 - White King/Lucky Lass Uranium Mines CERCLA Remedy. This MA 17 will emphasize protecting the integrity of the CERCLA Remedy for the White King/Lucky Lass Uranium Mines on the Lakeview Ranger District of the Fremont National Forest. (Section 12 of Final ROD)
Amendment: 23 [PDF - 19K]
Date Signed: 05/07/2002
Decision Notice - Reclassifies 1,085 acres from MA 5 to MA 2 (Endangered and Threatened Species Habitat) for the Joker II BEMA, Paisley RD. See the project page.
Amendment: 24
Date Signed: 09/10/2002
Decision Notice - Redefines the seen area and associated management areas along a section of Highway 140 in the Bly Ranger District. For more details, see the project page.
Amendment: 25
Date Signed: May 6, 2005
Decision Notice - Will relocate the allocation for old growth that burned in the Grassy Fire on the Lakeview District. [HTML].
Amendment: 26
Date Signed: October 11, 2005
Regional Forester Record of Decision - Updates invasive plant management guidelines. Summary: [DOC-222K] [RTF-447K] [PDF-173K]. The complete Record of Decision [PDF - 579K].

Amendment: 27
Date Signed: April 20, 2006
This non-significant, site-specific amendment to the Fremont National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) authorizes reduction of cover and habitat effectiveness across the Chewaucan Watershed below Forest Plan standards and guidelines. This would modify the standards and guidelines for Mule Deer Summer, Transition, and Winter Ranges, as described on pages 109 and 132 of the Forest Plan. This amendment applies only to the area covered by the Jakabe Restoration Project EA and to projects associated with the decision(s) for that project. [DOC] [PDF] [RTF]


Amendment: 28
Date Signed: May 17,2007
This non-significant, site-specific amendment to the Fremont National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) authorizes removal of white fir trees greater than 21 inches diameter breast height (dbh) only where it would benefit even larger trees. The total area for this treatment will be limited to less than 70 acres. It amends the 21 inch maximum harvest diameter limit established in Amendment RF-1 as amendend by RF-2. This amendment applies only to the area covered by the Burnt Willow Project EA and to projects associated with the decision(s) for that project. [HTML]


Amendment: 29
Date Signed: April 27, 2007
This non-significant, site-specific amendment to the Fremont National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) would allow 475 acres of winter range cover and 140 acres of transition range cover to become non-cover, primarily as a result of riparian enhancement treatments that are designed to promote the recovery of riparian vegetation. This would mean a reduction in percent cover on winter range from the current 15 percent to 9 percent and on transition range from the current 27 percent to 23 percent. This amendment applies only to a portion of the area covered by the Bridge-Buck Project EA and to projects associated with the decision(s) for that project. [HTML]


Amendment: 30
Date Signed: NA
This amendment number is reserved for the Launch project, if needed. [HTML]


Amendment: 31
Date Signed: NA
This amendment number is reserved for the Abe project, if needed. [HTML]


USDA Forest Service - Fremont-Winema NF's
Last Modified: Tuesday, 04 September 2007 at 15:28:04 EDT

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