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National Forests
Klamath Ranger District

Permit: Sprint/UTCN Lake of the Woods Communications Lines

If you would like to comment by e-mail, please click this address: comments-pacificnorthwest-winema-chiloquin@fs.fed.us.

The sections, below, tagged with "PDF" are provided in Portable Document Format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You may download Acrobat Reader, free of charge, from Abode at: http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/readstep.html. Sections tagged with "DOC" were prepared in Microsoft Word 2000 and should be compatible with that word processor. Sections tagged "RTF" are in Rich Text Format and should be compatible with most word processors.

This project is proposed to issue a new Special Use Permit for Sprint/UTCN Lake of the Woods Communications Lines to cover all existing phone lines and supporting equipment and material (e.g. poles, switching boxes, etc.) found at Lake of the Woods on National Forest System lands within the Klamath Ranger District. All questions about this permit should be directed to Catherine Callaghan, Realty Specialist, at 541-947-6326.




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