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National Forests
Bly Ranger District

Lofton Reservoir Campground Thinning

The sections, below, tagged with "PDF" are provided in Portable Document Format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You may download Acrobat Reader, free of charge, from Abode at: http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/readstep.html. Sections tagged with "DOC" were prepared in Microsoft Word 2000 and should be compatible with that word processor. Sections tagged "RTF" are in Rich Text Format and should be compatible with most word processors.

This project involves non-commercial understory tree thinning on approximately 16 acres within the Lofton Reservoir Campground. The thinning would be accomplished by hand felling conifers less than 9 inches DBH. Cut trees will be limbed and the tops severed at approximately 3 inches diameter. The limbs and tops will be hand piled for later burning. Boles of felled trees will be left on the ground and made available for camp wood the following summer.

May 28, 2004: Decision Memo [DOC -60K] [RTF - 178K] [PDF - 81K]

Scoping (Comments Due 5/18/2004)

Location map. Project map.


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