USDA Forest Service

Fremont-Winema National Forests

Acquisition Management (Central Oregon Website)
RAC (Resource Advisory Committee)
Evaluate Our Service

Fremont-Winema National Forests

1301 South G Street
Lakeview, OR 97630

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Lakeview Ranger District: Grassy Fire Salvage Project

Note that sections tagged with "(PDF)" are provided in Portable Document Format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You may download Acrobat Reader, free of charge, from Abode at:

Appeal Resolution



  • Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact [PDF - 219K]

Environmental Assessment

  • The complete EA in one file. [PDF - 2,220K]
  • Cover, Contents and Summary [PDF - 128K]
  • Chapter 1: Purpose of And Need For Action [PDF - 180K]
  • Chapter 2: Alternatives, Including the Proposed Action [PDF - 249K]
  • Chapter 3: Affected Environment And Environmental Consequences [PDF - 733K]
  • Chapter 4: Consultation and Coordination [PDF - 102K]
  • Appendix A: Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Activities Within the Cumulative Effects Analysis Area [PDF - 51K]
  • Appendix B: Mitigation Details [PDF - 783K]
  • Appendix C: DecAID Background Information [PDF - 43K]
Supporting Documents

Comments Received on the Preliminary Environmental Assessment
(Proposed Action Review Document)

Preliminary Environmental Assessment (Proposed Action Review Document)

[Comments Due: February 14, 2005]

  • Cover, Contents and Summary [PDF - 128K]
  • Chapter 1: Purpose of And Need For Action [PDF - 130K]
  • Chapter 2: Alternatives, Including the Proposed Action [PDF - 172K]
  • Chapter 3: Affected Environment And Environmental Consequences [PDF - 603K]
  • Chapter 4: Consultation and Coordination [PDF - 42K]
  • Appendix A: Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Activities Within the Cumulative Effects Analysis Area [PDF - 51K]
  • Appendix B: Mitigation Details [PDF - 783K]
  • Appendix C: DecAID Background Information [PDF - 44K]
  • Legal Notice [PDF - 11K]

Scoping Comments Received


(Comments Due: October 30, 2004)

A map showing the project area.

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USDA Forest Service - Fremont-Winema NF's
Last Modified: Thursday, 28 July 2005 at 14:53:05 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.