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National Forests
Chemult Ranger District

ASPE (Astragalus peckii) Prescribed Burning

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Decision (September 23, 2004)

Astragalus peckii, known as Peck's milkvetch, is a rare legume endemic to Central Oregon. Eight populations occur on the Chemult and Chiloquin Ranger Districts of the Fremont-Winema National Forests. In order to discover the effects of management activities on the species, a Forest study has been initiated in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Agriculture Plant Conservation Biology Program and Prineville District Bureau of Land Management. Part of the study will look at the effects of burning on the species. Because Peck's milkvetch grows in open forest canopy conditions, expectations are that burning will improve habitat conditions and the plants will respond favorably to prescribed fire. This project is needed to provide information for a long-term management strategy for Peck's milkvetch.

A 1-acre block of milkvetch habitat located in T28S, R8E, Section 14 will be burned. Hand felling of a few small trees may be required in preparation for burning within this block. Paired plots inside and outside of the proposed burn area will be used to monitor the effects of fire on milkvetch survival and reproduction. A fire containment line will be constructed around the proposed burn area according to guidelines provided by fire management staff at Chemult.

Contacts: Kathy Cushman at 541-365-7060 (kcushman@fs.fed.us) or Jayne Goodwin at 541-365-7072 (jlgoodwin@fs.fed.us).


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