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Since 1935, the U.S. has lost 4.7 million farms. Fewer than one million Americans now claim farming as a primary occupation


Why Buy Local

Why should you buy locally grown food?

You'll get exceptional taste and freshness, strengthen your local economy, support endangered family farms and so much more.

Click here to find out more!

Buy Local Challenge

Sign On and Show Your Support for Local Food

Sign up for free now ? enter for a chance to win a free Buy Local Gift Basket.

Click here to take the Challenge

When you purchase local food, you'll get a wealth of benefits. You'll get exceptional taste and freshness, strengthen your local economy, support family farms, safeguard your family's health, and protect the environment.

Now you can show your support for local food and farms by signing on to FoodRoutes' "Buy Local" Challenge. Just enter your information on the challenge form and click "submit." Everyone who signs up in 2007 will also be entered in our drawing for a free gift box from our favorite hometown local food retailer and CSA farm: Tait Farm Foods as well as the newest CD from FoodRoutes partner, Grammy award winning singer-songwriter, Adrienne Young "Room to Grow".

When you sign up, you get a personal e-mail from FoodRoutes own "Farmer Sally" a sustainable vegetable farmer who lives near the FoodRoutes Home Office and supplies us with wonderful fresh produce in season. Farmer Sally loves to chat with all our friends and help you with any questions you might have about local foods.

Remember, every little bit helps:

A recent study in Maine shows that shifting just 1% of consumer expenditures to direct purchasing of local food products would increase farmers' income by 5%. Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) estimates that by encouraging Maine residents to spend just $10/week on local food, $100,000,000 will be invested back into farmers' pockets and the Maine economy each growing season.

Think how many local communities would benefit if everyone in the U.S. spent just $10 a week on local food.

Click here to take the Challenge

Local Food in the Winter?

Do you live in the Northern states? Think you can't find local food in the winter? ...Think again!

Many farmers continue to sell animal products like dairy, eggs, and meat throughout the winter months. Some vegetables even grow throughout much of the winter and, depending on your location, you may have a very bountiful winter harvest!

Just search our map to see when different products are available.

Need More Information?

Click on the links below to learn more about buying local and the Buy Local Challenge:

Click here to take the Challenge

* Drawing will be held on December 10, 2007. ENTRY DATE EXTENDED: All entries must be received by December 9, 2007. Prize package will include a gift box from our favorite hometown local food retailer and CSA farm: Tait Farm Foods as well as a CD's from FoodRoutes partner, Grammy award winning singer-songwriter, Adrienne Young. Only one entry per person please! To enter you may also write to: FoodRoutes Buy Local Challenge Drawing, P.O. Box 55 - Apple Lane, Arnot, PA 16911.

Click here to enter the Meatrix

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Wondering where you can find local food in your area? Enter your ZIP code below and hit "Search."

As a special offer, every one who signs up for our pledge will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a Buy Local Gift Basket*, with food from family farms.

  Copyright © 2003 FoodRoutes Network