Welcome to the Alabama-Coushatta Website
Monday, 12 January 2009

Welcome to the official website of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas. Thank you for visiting our site, and we hope you will enjoy browsing and learning the history of our people. We are a proud people who has occupied this area since the late 1700's, before Texas became a state. We want you to learn about our Tribe and feel this website is a tool to gain vital information about the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas. Take a look at our events calendar and make plans to join us for one or all of our special events. Spend some time in our campground facilities to relax, or enjoy fishing in our 26-acre TomBigBee Lake.

For those who inquire about our tourism facilities, we regret to inform you that we no longer operate the tours, museum or gift shop. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for you and your family.

If you need more information, feel free to contact the personnel in the various departments of our administration. They will be happy to assist you.

Ilpohechatoka! Come see us!

Principal Chief Oscola Clayton M. Sylestine

Tribal Council Honors Tribal Member
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Texas Tribes Fight to Revive Gambling
Friday, 12 December 2008
WOAI NBC 4 San Antonio



By KELLEY SHANNON, Associated Press Writer

LIVINGSTON, Texas (AP) - Preschoolers on the Alabama-Coushatta reservation play beneath a leaky roof and beside aging emergency exits. Tribal members who seek treatment for diabetes and cancer at the nearby health clinic share the facetious warning, "Don't get sick after June" - money may run out for the year.

A tourist train once lured visitors and their dollars to the reservation but today sits idle in its tunnel, weeds choking the tracks. A once-grand outdoor amphitheater is falling apart.

These sad conditions worry Alabama-Coushatta leaders, but they say the American Indian tribe's history is proud and its destiny is hopeful. What they want now is the Legislature to help them relaunch a shuttered casino that drew big-spending gamblers to their remote East Texas land.


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Portia Cheyenne Alec

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