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Foundation for Water and Energy Education

Career Summit
This workshop, held March 3rd in Tumwater WA, will focus on ways and opportunities to rebuild the pipeline of high school students interested in pursuing electrical utility careers.
International Haiku Contest
Win a $1000 grand prize!!! Write a haiku poem to share your thoughts about hydropower in our lives. Winners from three age categories (18 years and older, 13 to 17, and under 13) will be put into a grand prize drawing. Visit the web site to learn how to write a haiku and enter. Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that uses just three lines.
Hydro Tours: Walk Through a Hydroelectric Project
Slides and video show how dams can turn the force of falling water into electricity.
Hydro Tours: Fish Passage
Slides and video show how salmon migrate past dams.
Hydro News From Northwest Newspapers
News clippings providing balanced and informative views concerning the sources, benefits and impact of using water as a renewable energy resource in the Northwest.
Make Your Own Hydropower
"Make Your Own Hydropower" provides students with a hands-on exploration of generating electricity with water power. This is a thematic unit geared toward seventh through ninth grade students.
FWEE Store - Order Online!
Visit our store for products that offer educators, utilities and the general public a variety of educational tools.

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