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Applications for RIRDC funding for 2009–2010 have CLOSED

See below for key dates on result of assessment


Applications for RIRDC Scholarships are still open and close on 7 November 2008
Download the scholarship form. See also Doing Business With RIRDC
The deadline for scholarship applications is 7 November 2008.
Please note: if results for the current term are not yet available, please submit all available details by this date and send through term results as soon as they are released.

Travel/Conference Funding
Travel/Conference Funding - (see Doing Business With RIRDC – application through Clarity )

Key Dates
Action Date
Preliminary Research Proposals closed 12 September 2008
Result of PRP Assessments announcements From 1 December 2008
Invitation to submit full proposals 9 February 2009
Preliminary advice on full proposals 25 May 2009
Contracts entered into (First payment on contract execution) July 2009
Annual progress reports November 2009
Final report as specified in contract  


New Plant Products New Plant Products · Assess and/or establish opportunities to introduce, or improve, new plant industry alternatives, particularly those that may provide opportunities for responding to climate change, for example high value low water usage plants and heat/drought tolerant plants

· Import replacement and export creation/expansion - Assess and/or establish opportunities to develop or expand new plant industries to provide replacements for currently imported products or products where Australian produce may have a competitive advantage in export markets (e.g. as a result of quality, safety or seasonality)

· Identify and/or develop opportunities for the development of new industries that have the potential to grow and to make a substantial contribution to Australia’s GDP and rural and regional development in the future.

· Assess and/or establish opportunities to facilitate profitable and sustainable production and supply chain systems, and other mechanisms (for a new or existing product within new plant industries) that may assist with: 

o improvement of production and product availability

o reduction in wastage, production or transport costs

o improvements in product safety

o improvements in quality/shelf-life/marketability of new plant products

o improvement in biosecurity and quarantine in new industry practices

o assessing consumer and value chain benefits.

For Cultural and World Foods (incorporates Asian Foods program and includes Mediterranean and other world/cultural foods) 

As stated for new plant products (above), but also with an emphasis on the following: 

· Assess and/or establish opportunities to advance sustainable cultural and world foods industries – with a focus on quality assurance, especially: o improved management of biosecurity and pest/disease issues
o reduced risk chemistry 
· Effective communication among industry practitioners.
For Native Foods 

As stated for new plant products (above), but also with an emphasis on the following: 

· Assess and/or establish opportunities to advance the flavour profiling of native foods

· Assess and/or establish opportunities to advance the retention of health benefits of native foods post harvest and in storage.

For Olives

As stated for new plant products (above), but also with an emphasis on the following: 

· Assess and/or establish opportunities to advance a sustainable olive industry – with a focus on: o water use efficiency 
o reduced risk chemistry
o carbon assessment 

· Assess and/or establish opportunities to advance a profitable olive industry – with a focus on benchmarking and understanding consumer preference for quality olive oil. 

Note 1: For any application into an existing crop where a Peak Industry Body (PIB) exists, the application should outline the consultation process with the PIB. 

Note 2: For any application into a new crop, the applicant must ensure stringent consideration of quarantine and ‘weediness’ of the new crop is detailed. 

Note 3: Where possible, projects should involve an industry partner(s) to facilitate subsequent adoption and commercialisation.

Note 4: For investigations into Asian and Mediterranean vegetables, the applicant should consult with AUSVEG and Horticulture Australia Ltd and determine the potential for a co-funding arrangement. 

New Animal Products · Address R&D in the New Animal Products R&D Plan 2006-09, the Kangaroo Industry Strategic Plan 2005-2010 and the Buffalo Plan 2005-2010

· Assess innovation for value added livestock products with consumers particularly for kangaroo, rabbit and emu 

· Evaluate potential new livestock industries such as exotic and native birds, pet feed, native species for pets, native fish, inland aquatic species, suitable for peri-urban livestock species 

· Improve artificial insemination and genetic gain in rabbits, crocodiles, gamebirds, ostrich, and milking sheep and goats 

· Assessing means for industry development for new animal species

· Develop new diets and feeding systems, particularly for crocodiles, ducks, and turkeys. 

· Continue to support national and international linkages to rapidly assess ways of introducing new technologies 

· Monitor and improve where necessary livestock welfare (eg kangaroo) and transport systems (eg ducks)

· Develop improved artificial insemination and genetics in buffalo




Essential Oils and Plant Extracts · Improve production systems to raise productivity and control over product qualities 

· Support the demonstration of safety and effectiveness of Australian products and facilitate the satisfaction of regulatory requirements to enhance market access 

· Support new ideas that provide potential for growing the market for Australian product 

· Improve industry and research capacity 

Projects with matching cash contributions from industry will be considered favourably. 
Rare Natural Animal Fibres · Continue innovative technology with industry partnerships in identifying superior genotypes for the alpaca, mohair, and cashmere industry 

· Increase R&D capacity by closer linkages with national and international organisations particularly for artificial insemination in alpacas 

· Support industry development and commercial viability particularly in the mohair industry

· Assess the feasibility and assist where appropriate value adding in Australia particularly for the cashmere and alpaca industries

Wildflowers and Native Plants Assess and/or establish opportunities to: · provide profitable and sustainable production and management systems

· improve product quality through postharvest care and quality standards

· assess and evaluate markets to improve commercial outcomes for the industry

· improve existing products and develop new ones

· enhance the human capital of the industry and consequent research knowledge and adoption

Projects with matching cash contributions from industry will be considered favourably
Tea Tree Oil Assess and/or establish opportunities to: · identify regulatory regimes and market barriers, and enhance the ability of industry to meet safety standards 

· enhance production systems to maintain the competitiveness of Australian growers 

· demonstrate proof of concept/efficacy for innovative applications of tea tree oil

· foster communication that increases understanding and thereby encourages greater use of tea tree oil 

Projects must have matching cash contributions from industry
Bioenergy, Bioproducts and Energy · Scope, compare and develop cost and energy efficient technologies, infrastructure and logistics for harvesting, transport and processing of biomass.

· Assess and adapt existing Australian and international feedstocks which complement food production; and develop prospective new sustainable feedstocks for bioenergy and bioproducts – with a focus on production of electricity and second generation biofuels.

· Develop sustainability guidelines and investigate sustainability for Australian bioenergy and bioproducts industries, including life cycle analyses (CO2 and energy); sustainability of soil, water and biodiversity; and competition with food production.

· Evaluate conversion technologies and select, research and develop those which are competitive for Australian circumstances and feedstocks.

· Develop bioproducts that complement bioenergy production systems with a view to biorefinery development.

Investigate policy mechanisms which steer the industry towards sustainable development.
Chicken Meat · Fill knowledge and data gaps impeding the greater use of chicken litter as a fertiliser

· Quantify resource use in chicken meat production and identify opportunities for more efficient resource management

· Undertake an analysis to establish the environmental emissions associated with chicken meat production and how these can be reduced

· Investigate the cause of oesophageal lesions in breeder chickens

· Assist industry to develop and adopt improved disease prevention, management and diagnostic techniques 

· Assist industry to improve adoption of bird welfare, and biosecurity quality assurance and audit programs

· Evaluate the nutritional value of several new and existing feed grain varieties for their potential value in chicken meat production

· Develop and evaluate techniques for the rapid (real time) assessment of the nutritional value of feed ingredients and for enhancing feed ingredient utilization

· Assist industry to monitor, evaluate and improve its implementation and management of intervention strategies aimed at reducing microbiological contamination of chicken products 

· Develop and evaluate a tool for the electronic assessment of odours from chicken farms

Honeybees · improved understanding and management of bee diseases and pests

· increase profitability by improving hive husbandry, management practices and through the provision of production and financial benchmarks

· continue honeybee access and research into melliferous resources on public and freehold land

· increase the use of honey in the food industry

· determine therapeutic values of specific floral species 

· improve communications between the R&D section, the honey industry an associated industries

Rice · support research that will enhance the existing breeding and quality evaluation activities (with special emphasis on yield, quality and cold tolerance)

· improve crop establishment, agronomy, physiology, nutrition management and precision agriculture

· research that will provide effective and sustainable control of major rice weeds, pests and diseases

· whole farm planning and assessment tools to ensure profitability and environmental sustainability

· research to optimise participation of people and develop their potential to contribute to the industry

Horses · address the problems of the young growing horse

· develop and assess methodologies for diagnosis and treatment of common equine diseases

· consider common problems of racehorses in training, racetrack design and development, and the scientific measurement of racetrack variables on race day

· investigate health and safety issues affecting the horse industry with particular reference to jockey and rider injury and reproduction in horses

· promote adoption of research outcomes through dissemination and demonstration of research

· assess activities in the area of objective 5 (effective communication) to ensure effective communication of research outcomes to industry stakeholders. 

Fodder Crops · address residue testing constraints and improve quality assurance methodologies to increase industry competitiveness

· address pest and disease risks through improved crop agronomy to maintain major export markets

· extend fodder crop varieties through research

· improve understanding of crop agronomy

· improve information for fodder producers through production of high quality publications reflecting industry needs.

Pasture Seeds · improve seed production and processing technologies to maximize yield, quality and processing efficiency 

· increase water use efficiency

· improve the collection and dissemination of knowledge on the seed industry and support effective adjustment to change

· investigate mechanisms for incorporating and responding to environmental considerations in sustainable production systems

· support the development of new products, markets and farm systems

· improve information for pasture seed producers through publications and a focus on producer focused information dissemination

Deer · improve the communication of deer research and development and improve awareness of related research

· investigate new uses for deer velvet in therapeutic products

· improve production efficiency, profitability and industry sustainability

Organics · address knowledge gaps identified through development of the Australian Organic Hub

· synthesise information on Australian organic systems into industry through user friendly packages and tools

· identify and address the main constraints to conversion of farms to organic production

· identify opportunities for research arising from implementation of sector research plans for the grains, dairy, horticulture and meat sectors

· incorporate organic objectives in key areas of research for conventional agriculture

Agroforestry and Farm Forestry and JVAP · The JVAP program is under review and is in the final year prior to any potential new plan being developed 

· Projects will be commissioned that synthesize research work from the JVAP program 

· Projects that scope regional case studies of how trees fit into farms in the context of climate change and the new emissions trading scheme 

Environment and Farm Management The Environment and Farm Management Program is not calling for applications in this round This program has information at 
Rangelands and Wildlife Systems The Rangelands and Wildlife Program is not calling for applications in this round  This program has information at www.rirdc.gov.au/programs/rws.html
Global Competitiveness · explore mechanisms to enhance the effectiveness of value chains in improving Australia’s global competitiveness 

· investigate the impact of rapidly emerging economies such as India and China 

· investigate the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and its implications for Australia 

Food Integrity and Biosecurity · assess the risk posed to industry and human health by peri-urban producers and alternative distribution systems (such as farmer’s markets) 

· develop a framework for or a generic approach to codes of practice for on-farm biosecurity and food integrity that promotes step-wise improvement 

· scope the likely future market demands for track and trace and communicate to small industries on their need to address these issues in their industry

· develop/identify and adapt technologies to support track and trace systems that will be effective in small industries. 



Rural People and Learning Systems · The Rural People and Learning Systems Program is not calling for applications in this round Refer to RIRDC’s AOP, Corporate Plan and Website
The RIRDC Leadership Program · The RIRDC Leadership Program funds a number of activities, including RIRDC research scholarships, the RIRDC Rural Women’s Award, and a position with the Australian Rural Leadership Program. Please check the website for more detail.  Refer to RIRDC’s AOP, Corporate Plan and Website
Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Health and Safety · Develop communication pathways for effectively raising awareness of physical health issues and engaging those in the farming and fishing industries with regard to the important physical health issues 

· Identify needs for physical health research including access to services and how attitudes and lifestyle factors may be contributing to the level of physical health of farmers and fishermen and their families. 

· Identify key issues for research with regard to depression, sources of stress and mental health associated with farming and fishing industries

· Convey a risk management approach to managers in farming and fisheries ensuring that managers have knowledge of risks and costs (financial, lifestyle and family stress) of a variety of hazards 

· Identify current and future demographic and structural changes in farming and fishing industries (e.g. ageing, new industries, peri-urban farmers, transient workers) and develop appropriate responses and interventions

· Improve evaluation practice in safety research and development programs for farming and fishing and in other programs including education and promotion

More information on this Program can be found online at http://www.rirdc.gov.au/programs/cpfhs.html
Climate Change and Variability · Projects concerned with social and community adaptation to climate change 

· Projects concerned with the economic impacts of climate change on agriculture 

· Collaborative projects with other Rural Development Corporations. 

Refer to RIRDC’s AOP, Corporate Plan and Website
Emerging Rural Issues
· Innovative projects concerned with emerging rural issues of national significance 
Refer to RIRDC’s AOP, Corporate Plan and Website