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TapiOK® syrups are clean, neutral-flavored syrups that contribute sweetness and functional attributes in a wide variety of food and beverage applications. They are available in a range of sugar profiles from DE 27 to 95, including varying maltose levels. Depending on the application, the tapioca syrups can reveal a rich flavor or be a color and flavor neutral base for confection and beverage developers. These syrups have high solubility and can provide immediate energy, long term energy as well as a balanced energy release through the distribution of simple and complex carbohydrates. Derived from pure tapioca starch, our syrups are hypoallergenic, non-GMO and certified kosher.

Applications include bars, beverages, confections and frozen desserts.

*Available in organic and conventional versions.


Baked Goods Higher DEs for sweetness and humectancy; lower DEs for complex carbohydrates and binding.

Beverages Lower DEs for body, mouthfeel, and emulsion stabilization; higher DEs for sweetness .

Coatings (bars and cereals) Low to mid DEs for tack-free coating and for reducing fat content.

Confectionary Mid DEs, low or high maltose, for tack-free crystallization control, binding, and texture.

Corn Syrup Replacement Mid to upper DEs, low or high maltose depending on application.

Frozen Products Low DEs for freeze/thaw stability, ice crystal inhibition, and mouthfeel; higher DEs for sweetness and freeze point suppression.

Nutritional Bars Low DEs for binding capabilities , texture and complex carbohydrates; high DEs for sweetness and humectancy. Low to mid DEs for unique coating abilities.

Semi-solid (puddings, sauces/dressings, pie fillings, etc.) – Lower DEs for body and mouthfeel; higher DEs for sweetness.

Table Syrups Higher DEs for sweetness and lower water activity.


Dextrose imparts a cool sensation in confection applications and aids browning in baked products. In tabletting, superior compressibility produces tablets with less dust and better integrity for greater consumer appeal. In dry drink mixes TapiOK® dissolves quickly and produces less dust than commodity or agglomerated dextrose. Applications for dextrose are broad and include confections, baby food, baking, chocolate, ice cream, chewing gum, dairy products, energy gels, jams and preserves, icing mixes, nut butters, meat products, neutraceutical, pharmaceuticals, powdered beverage bases and as a priming sugar for beer.


Maltodextrins are produced from organic tapioca starch by a natural enzymatic process. They are used as a fat replacement in desserts, cheese products, ice cream, baby foods, dressings and sauces. Maltodextrins DE 10 and DE 16 are used as bulking agents, in dry seasonings, and as a flavor carrier in spray dry applications. Benefits include: a neutral flavor, which makes it an excellent flavor release agent; a smooth texture; the ability to gel in cold water; a high water binding capability; and good freeze/thaw stability. The whiteness of the powder and the low application rate of 2% to 10% makes it a good substitute for fat, milk, gums, and other stabilizers.


A mid DE product (DE29), syrup solids are commonly used in confections, snacks, syrups, sauces, baked goods, and frozen desserts. Syrup solids are stable in baking applications and are beneficial in frozen applications where freeze/thaw stability is required. Used for bulking solids and adding a moderate sweetness level.


The starch is a thickener and stabilizer often used in fruit pies, soups, puddings, breads, sauces, soy, and meat products. It can withstand long cooking times without breaking down. Products made with tapioca do not lose their quality when frozen or reheated because tapioca retains its thickening capabilities throughout these processes. Tapioca becomes clear and gel-like when cooked and dissolves completely when used as a thickener.


These instant tapioca granules are pre-cooked to speed processing preparation time. Mainly used in creamy puddings, they are also ideal for thickening soups, pie fillings, and gravies in sweet or savory preparations.


The classic tapioca pearls you grew up with in tapioca pudding are now available certified organic and kosher. The neutral flavor permits a great variety of applications in delicately flavored recipes.

Tapioca Syrup Applications

  • Tapioca Dextrose
  • Tapioca Fructose Syrup
  • Tapioca Glucose Syrups
  • Tapioca Syrup Solids
  • Tapioca Maltodextrins
  • Tapioca Starch, Native
  • Tapioca Granules, Quick-cooking
  • Tapioca Pearls
  • Honey
  • Agave Syrup
  • Inulin from Agave
  • FOS from Agave

    Tapioca syrup comparison sheet

    Agave Products