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Farmers in 2002 earned their lowest real net cash income since 1940. Meanwhile corporate agribusiness profits have nearly doubled since 1990
–USDA, 2002

Why Buy Local

Why should you buy locally grown food?

You'll get exceptional taste and freshness, strengthen your local economy, support endangered family farms and so much more.

Click here to find out more!

What Can You Do?

Find out more about how you can support local farmers in your area. Find a local farm, buy local and get connected through the links below:

  • JOIN
    Join or start a local Buy Fresh Buy Local Chapter today - contact us at Info@foodroutes.org to learn more!

    Link up with organizations near you through our national listings and start working to better your local food systems.

    Find out when the next food and farming conference, seminar or other event is coming to your area.

    Learn all about how your university can start a farm to college program and purchase fresh foods from local farmers

    Find out how you can get fresh local foods at your child's school

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