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Public Health Law | Legal Research | Medical/Public Health Research | Publications

Public Health Law

CDC Public Health Law Program

CDC Foundation Institute of Public Health Law
European Public Health Law Network

Public Health Law and Policy

Public Health Law Association

O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law Center

Center for Law, Ethics, and Health at the University of Michigan School of Public Health

Center for Health Policy at the Columbia University School of Nursing - Law and Public Health

Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics
University of Connecticut Program in Medical Humanities, Health Law, and Ethics

University of Louisville Center for Public Health Law Partnerships

University of Pittsburgh Center for Public Health Preparedness - Laws and Policies

LSU Medical and Public Health Law

North Carolina Institute for Public Health - Public/Private Legal Preparedness Initiative

Hirsh Health Law and Policy Program at George Washington University

William S. and Christie S. Hall Center for Law and Health at Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis

Public Health Law | Legal Research | Medical/Public Health Research | Publications

Legal Research

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Code

Code of Federal Regulations(CFR)

Federal Register

The Library of Congress' THOMAS

Georgetown University Law Center Library

United States Supreme Court Opinions

United Nations Treaty Collection (subscription required)

Public Health Law | Legal Research | Medical/Public Health Research | Publications

Medical/Public Health Research

DHHS’ Federal Health Information Centers and Clearinghouses
DHHS’ Healthy People 2010
DHHS’ National Health Information Center
National Library of Medicine’s Catalog: LocatorPLUS
National Library of Medicine’s Directory of Health Organizations
National Library of Medicine’s Health Information Gateway
National Library of Medicine’s PubMED
The Johns Hopkins Medical Center’s Welch Library Gateway
The National Institute of Health’s Combined Health Information Database
The National Institute of Health’s Office of the Director

Public Health Law | Legal Research | Medical/Public Health Research | Publications


American Journal of Law and Medicine
American Journal of Public Health
Annual Review of Public Health
Depaul Journal of Health Care Law
Emerging Infectious Disease
European Journal of Public Health
Health Affairs
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report
Journal of Contemporary Health Law & Policy
Journal of Health Care Law & Policy
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
National Vital Statistics Report
Public Health Reports
The American Journal of Epidemiology
The Harvard Journal of Minority Public Health
The Harvard Public Health Review
The Journal of Public Health Medicine
The Lancet
The Milbank Quarterly
The Nation’s Health
The New England Journal of Medicine

Public Health Law | Legal Research | Medical/Public Health Research | Publications