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ITS America's FAQs

What is ITS?

Intelligent Transportation Systems, or ITS, encompass a broad range of wireless and wire-line communications-based information, control and electronics technologies.

When integrated into the transportation system infrastructure, and in vehicles themselves, these technologies help monitor and manage traffic flow, reduce congestion, provide alternate routes to travelers, enhance productivity, and save lives, time and money.

When was ITS America created?
ITS America was formed in 1991 to coordinate the development and deployment of intelligent transportation systems in the United States.
What does ITS America do?

ITS America strives to provide its more than 400 member organizations a voice “at the table” when public policy, regulations, standards and other matters are discussed relating to intelligent transportation systems.

ITS America works to raise awareness of the value of ITS among consumers, legislators, and media; increase federal funding through transportation reauthorization; and works to expand the use of technology solutions where people and goods are transported without delay, injury or fatality by integrated systems that are built and operated to be safe, cost-efficient, and secure.

The society also provides numerous membership services and programs to assist its member organizations in stimulating the market for ITS and the achievement of their ITS deployment and business objectives.

Who are the members of ITS America?

ITS America members are involved in all facets of ITS research, planning, development and deployment. Local, state and federal departments of transportation; regional and local transportation and planning agencies; private companies that provide ITS products and services; auto manufacturers and their suppliers; research organizations and academic institutions; software developers and system integrators; and transportation associations all derive benefit from ITS America membership.  We also have over 20 state and regional chapters covering 35 states.

Is membership open to the public sector?

Yes, approximately 50% of our members come from the public sector: local, state and federal departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, associations and universities.

What types of business development opportunities does ITS America offer?

ITS America knows that connections are key to achieving your business goals.  We’ll connect you to the industry leaders and help you build relationships that will build your business.  We represent a diverse group of ITS professional and organizations—a diversity you won’t find in other associations. When you participate in ITS America’s Forums, meetings, workshops, and international trade mission, you will be connected to a substantial network of peers and customers.  We connect business and government, we introduce future partners to each other, and we help bring the experts to the subject matter in all potential combinations of public, private and academic sectors.

Does ITS America offer its members legislative advocacy support?

ITS America educates congressional members about ITS needs and benefits, and works to encourage the passage of the best transportation legislation possible. 

ITS America works very closely with the Congressional ITS Caucus co-chaired by Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) and Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher (D-CA).  In 2006, ITS America staff met with more than 100 Congressional offices in both the House and the Senate. 

What is the ITS Roundtable?

Launched in December 2004, ITS America’s ITS Roundtable is comprised of nearly 30 ITS America members who gather together monthly for a dialogue with key Members of the both the House and Senate about the role ITS technologies play in meeting our national transportation mobility, homeland security and safety challenges.  These events are part of a continuing series of policy gatherings intended to provide information and feedback to and from Members of Congress on issues important to the ITS industry.

Are there opportunities for professional development for ITS America members?

ITS America members enjoy unique opportunities to learn from their peers and industry leaders about the latest, most dynamic ITS initiatives, deployments, and operations.

Some of the educational opportunities ITS America provides to members include the society’s Annual Meeting & Exposition, World Congress on ITS, regional ITSA meetings, special seminars and workshops, Forum meetings and international trade missions.

How can I join ITS America?

If you are a member of an organization involved in the development or deployment of ITS or ITS-related technologies, click here for membership information and to access a copy of our membership application.  If you have any questions, contact

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Washington, DC 20036 
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