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Understanding Prostate Changes: A Health Guide for All Men

National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute

"I've had a number of people write me, and I've tried to get back to every one of them because I know the unanswered questions that were in my mind at the time my prostate problem was discovered. I just tell them what I did. I don't recommend anything other than a positive attitude and being proactive-find out, find out, find out."

-Marv Levy
long time head coach of the Buffalo Bills, on his advice to people inquiring about his battle with prostate cancer. Levy underwent prostate cancer surgery midway through the 1995 football season.

Table of Contents

The Prostate
Disorders of the Prostate

I. Prostatitis
II. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Diagnosing BPH
Treating BPH
BPH Surgery
BPH Drug Therapy
Choosing a Treatment for BPH
III. Evaluating Prostate Health
IV. Prostate Cancer
Risk Factors
Early Detection
Do You Want To Be Screened?
Diagnosing and Evaluating Prostate Cancer
Preventing Prostate Cancer
Questions To Ask Your Doctor



The prostate, scarcely noticed by the public a decade ago, is now in the limelight, featured in thousands of reports in the general press and in medical journals.

Why has interest soared? There are several reasons.

Famous figures such as Harry Belafonte, Bob Dole, and Norman Schwartzkopf have gone public after being struck by prostate cancer. By doing that, they have spurred interest in the small gland and rallied support for increased research and better treatment choices.

Also, more men are living to older ages-when prostate enlargement is common and prostate cancer becomes more likely-and huge numbers of previously unsuspected, symptom-free prostate cancers are being identified through simple blood-screening tests.

Despite all the attention, however, issues surrounding the prostate, and prostate cancer in particular, are immersed in uncertainty. It is not known, for instance, if the potential benefits of prostate cancer screening outweigh the risks, if surgery is better than radiation, or if treatment is better than no treatment in some cases.

Because of these uncertainties, doctors and medical organizations offer conflicting advice for men who are weighing their options. As a result, men often find themselves confused about what to do next.

By providing some insight into the prostate and prostate disorders, this booklet aims to help you consult knowledgeably with your doctor in order to weigh your alternatives. Words that appear in bold on the pages that follow are defined in the Glossary.

References The Prostate
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