photo credit: Merlin (Chip) Tilden, New York, New York; photo is copyright protected and reproduced with permission Scope of the Guide

Contents online:
FAQs & Answers

Federal resources
State resources
Case index A to Z
Flow charts
NICWA Training

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Welcome to the online edition of
"A Practical Guide to the Indian Child Welfare Act"

The Guide is intended to answer questions about the ICWA by people of all levels of familiarity with this important law, and to provide a comprehensive resource of information on the ICWA. The Guide provides an introduction to the ICWA, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and an appendix of resources -- primary research documents (federal and state laws, regulations, court cases, legislative materials) and secondary research documents (reports, guides, links, bibliographies, forms, and contact information).

Those unfamiliar with the ICWA are encouraged to first read the introduction to the Guide.

To obtain a print copy of the Guide -- which includes the introduction, background, FAQs, and a list of appendices -- you may either download a PDF copy or purchase one for a nominal fee.


The Native American Rights Fund thanks the
• Administration for Native Americans -- U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, the
• Bureau of Indian Affairs -- U.S. Dept. of the Interior, and the
• Morongo Band of Indians
for their generous financial contributions to the project.

We also thank the Advisory Group for their invaluable contributions to the project. >>

We would also liike to recognize the NARF attorneys and staff who contributed to the project. >>

For questions related to this publication contact:
National Indian Law Library
Native American Rights Fund
1506 Broadway
(303) 447-8760
Boulder, CO 80302-6296

Do you need help with your ICWA case?
Use the Contacts web page to find legal assistance with your case.

Brochure about the project