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Fungicide Application Recommendations for Pecan Disease Control
Air-blast sprayer

The key components of the effective use of fungicides for pecan disease control are timing, coverage and concentration. The updated 2008 fungicide list is included.

Louisiana Plant Pathology: Foliar Diseases of Watermelon
diseases of watermelon

Proper identification is the key to successful disease management. This fact sheet is intended to aid in distinguishing among three common foliar diseases of watermelon. (PDF Format Only)

Pecan Disease Synopsis
Scab lesions on nuts

This document describes the diseases that occur most frequently on pecan trees in Louisiana.

Blackberry Varieties for Louisiana
Kiowa blackberry fruit

The article contains a brief description of blackberry varieties that are adapted to Louisiana. A description of primocane blackberries is also given.

Fruit Thinning Adds Quality
Plum Overload Closeup
Fruit thinning is a time-consuming task that is often required to produce good quality fruit. It can be very beneficial for peach, plum and apple trees.
LSU AgCenter Provides Greenhouse Tomato Growers With New Ideas
Demonstrating tomato pruning
LSU AgCenter experts at its Red River Research Station gave greenhouse tomato growers some new ideas to save money and boost production at a recent field day (Feb. 24).
Mayhaws Good For Fruit, Landscaping And Wildlife
Mayhaws are one of the most widely known of the native fruit tree species found in Louisiana. Interest in mayhaws has been building over the last 20 years, and these plants are now managed in fruit orchards around the state.
Drip Irrigation and Fertigation in Strawberries
Louisiana Strawberries
The correct use of drip irrigation provides an ideal soil moisture level for plant growth.
Jefferson, Orleans Soil Contamination May Not Be As Serious As Feared
LSU AgCenter experts say soil contamination in Jefferson and Orleans parishes from flooding after this summer’s hurricanes may not be as serious as originally feared. Initial results of tests conducted in October indicate no need for special preparations to the soils prior to planting and that there should be no danger for individuals digging or planting in the soil.
Pecan Growers Trying To Recover From Hurricanes; Some Say There’s Little To Salvage
A breeze is blowing through storm-beaten pecan trees in Ben Littlepage’s 300-acre orchard near Colfax. The trees are almost leafless, and there’s about a handful of pecans left on one very large native tree.
Homeowners' Guide for Fertilizing Pecan Trees in Louisiana
Homeowner's Guide for Fertilizing Pecan Trees
The most important cultural practice the homeowner with pecan trees needs to consider is proper fertilization. This publication includes information and guidelines for fertilizing pecan trees.
Selection and Care of Pecan Varieties for Louisiana Yards
Selection and Care of Pecan Varieties for Louisiana Yards
The pecan tree is prevalent in Louisiana as a shade tree in the landscape and also as a source of nuts for home use. The recommended varieties for home planting are listed and described in this publication.
The Louisiana Home Orchard
home orchard
Growing your own fruit can be profitable and satisfying, and many fruit trees can add beauty to your landscape. But you can't expect to grow quality fruit without caring for the plants. This publication explains how your success will depend largely on variety selection, soil management, pruning, fertilization, pest control and other cultural practices.
Figs for Commercial and Home Production in Louisiana
Figs for Commercial and Home Production in Louisiana
Figs are tasty and can be eaten fresh, made into preserves and jams, or used in baking. Figs are commonly grown in all areas of Louisiana. All fig varieties discussed in this publication produce a main crop. Learn cultural practices and fertilization, disease and insect control and how to handle and process your fruit.
2009 Get It Growing Calendar
Lawn and Garden Publications