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SNP500Cancer Database
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Human Genome build 36.3, dbSNP build 129


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Here's what's new with SNP500Cancer...

  • 19 Sept 2008: Build update: SNP500Cancer has been updated to Human Genome build 36.3 and dbSNP build 129.

  • 7 Mar 2008: Build update: SNP500Cancer has been updated to Human Genome build 36.2 and dbSNP build 128.

  • 7 Feb 2007: Illumina GoldenGate results for SNP500Cancer and HapMap controls, for Innate Immunity OPA.

  • 25 Sept 2006: Build update: SNP500Cancer has been updated to Human Genome build 36 and dbSNP build 126.

  • 29 Aug 2006: HapMap frequencies: SNP500Cancer now includes frequencies for the HapMap control populations. For example, see CYP1B1-18.

  • 23 Feb 2006: SNPlex panels: All validated SNPlex panels can be viewed. Click on Assays in the menu bar, then select All SNPlex panel assays.

  • 25 Jan 2006: HLA results: Results on six HLA loci are now available for the SNP500Cancer control populations. Click on HLA results in the menu bar.

  • 24 Jan 2006: SNPlex assays: SNPlex assays are now included in the validated assay list. Click on Assays in the menu bar, then select Assays listed by SNP.

  • 2 Dec 2005: Build update: SNP500Cancer has been updated to dbSNP build 125.

  • 26 Oct 2005: SNP500Cancer and caBIG: SNP500Cancer data are now available on caBIG - the cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid, The goal of caBIG is to speed the delivery of innovative approaches for the prevention and treatment of cancer. For an overview of caBIG, see

  • 22 Aug 2005: New FTP files and structure: Genotypes for all SNPs in the database are now available by clicking FTP in the navigation bar, or at See the README file for details.

  • 18 Jul 2005: Haplotype and htSNP data for HDP controls: Information on haplotype frequencies and htSNPs for the Human Diversity Panel 280 control set is now available on the web site. To view this information:
    1. Display the gene's information by searching for the gene. example
    2. Click on View Data for HDP populations.
    3. Display PHASE or TagSNPs data.

  • 14 Jul 2005: FTP files: Tab-delimited files for SNP500Cancer SNPs and assays are now available by clicking FTP in the navigation bar, or at

  • 24 Mar 2005: Gene deletions: SNP500Cancer now has assays for the GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene deletions.

  • 8 Feb 2005: Build update: SNP500Cancer has been updated to dbSNP build 124.

  • 6 Jan 2005: Build update: SNP500Cancer has been updated to Human Genome build 35 v1 and dbSNP build 123.

  • 28 Dec 2004: Assay list: To view all SNP500Cancer validated assays, click on List Assays in the menu bar.

  • 22 Dec 2004: htSNP data: Haplotype tagging SNPs, or htSNPs, are SNP markers that efficiently represent haplotypes in a population. Information on htSNPs for the SNP500Cancer populations is now available on the web site. To view this information:
    1. Display the gene's information by searching for the gene. example
    2. Click on View Data.
    3. In the htSNP data section, select the subpopulation, then click View TagSNPs Data.

  • 15 Dec 2004: Genotype, haplotype, and Haploview data files: Genotypes, estimated haplotypes, and Haploview files for generating haplotype block images for the SNP500Cancer control populations are now available. To view these files:
    1. Display the gene's information by searching for the gene. example
    2. Click on View CGF Genotype, Haplotype, and htSNP Data. You will see a page that provides access to raw genotype data, estimated haplotypes, and Haploview data. example

  • 29 Nov 2004: Additional 280 control individuals for selected SNPs: In addition to the 102 Coriell individuals, we have frequency information obtained by genotyping 280 Human Diversity Panel individuals for many SNPs. See, for example, CAV1-29.

  • 18 Nov 2004: Gender-based frequencies for X chromosome SNPs: The web site now displays frequencies based on the gender of the samples. To see which X chromosome genes are currently in the database, enter X as chromosome number. example SNP

  • 4 Nov 2004: Link to Genewindow from SNP of interest: When you view a SNP's sequence, you can now click on the SNP itself, highlighted in red, to link to the Genewindow genome browser. example

    To use Genewindow, your web browser must be Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 or higher, or Apple Safari version 1.2 or higher.
