
Search & Request

Overview Publications

Publications Lists

A select list of New York Sea Grant publications can be found under each of our program's six Theme Areas, which are listed in the sidebar to the right, along with links to their individual pages. In addition to featuring publications lists, these pages also include background information on each topic as well as links to related NYSG Web sites.

Publications, can also be searched via our "Search" box at the top of every page on our site.

If you're looking for a particular publication that is not featured on any of these select lists (or if a downloadable version is not available from the lists), please do one or more of the following:

(a) Fill out our publications request form

(b) Contact Susan Hamill in NYSG's Office of Communications at (631) 632-9124

(c) E-mail requests to

(d) Search for and download NYSG publications via the National Sea Grant Library archives.


Aquatic Invasive Species

Coastal Communities,
Habitat Restoration &
Water Quality

Coastal Economies,
Marinas, Tourism &
Other Coastal Businesses

Coastal Processes &


Seafood Science &