
NYSG Web Sites

New York Sea Grant Extension has one of the largest and most respected extension programs in the Sea Grant network. Fifteen extension professionals are located in nine different offices in the downstate marine and upstate Great Lakes regions of New York. These specialists, whose Web sites are listed below, have expertise chosen to meet specific responsibilities assigned to them and take on statewide, regional, and in some cases national responsibilities.

Aquatic Invasive Species

Brown Tide Research Initiative

Great Lakes Boating & Marine Trades

Great Lakes: Botulism in Lakes Erie & Ontario

Great Lakes Coastal Processes & Erosion

Great Lakes Coastal Youth Education

Great Lakes: Driving Financial Sustainability for Byway Organizations
(Partner Site: Seaway Trails)

Great Lakes Sand Dunes & Wetlands

Great Lakes Sustainable Recreational and Commercial Fisheries

Great Lakes Underwater Cultural Resources/Diving

Hard Clam Research Initiative

Hudson River Estuary


Long Island Sound Lobster Research Initiative

Long Island Sound Study 
(Partner Site)

Marine Fishery Resource Center

Marina Environmental Best Management Practices
(Partner Site)

Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO)

Seafood Safety & Technology


Aquatic Invasive Species

Coastal Communities,
Habitat Restoration &
Water Quality

Coastal Economies,
Marinas, Tourism &
Other Coastal Businesses

Coastal Processes &


Seafood Science &