Collaborations & Sponsored Research

ORNL uses several types of agreements to perform work for and with industry, state and local governments, and universities. Goals of the partner or sponsor, along with funding sources for the agreement and ORNL’s strategic business objectives, are used to determine the most appropriate agreement type.



Information Protection

Intellectual Property


A partnership with industry
for collaborative R&D.

CRADA generated data may be protected for up to 5 years. Typically, publishing party provides 30 day for review prior to intended publication. Other conditions may apply.

Each party retains title to its own inventions. An option for a royalty-bearing exclusive license is granted to the industry partner in a field of use for ORNL inventions. Other conditions may apply.

WFO (non-federal)

Sponsor provides funding to ORNL for the performance of R&D or services

Data rights are negotiable, ranging from fully proprietary to both parties can use all data produced without restriction. Other conditions may apply.

Title to ORNL inventions may go to the sponsor under a DOE class waiver, depending on work funded and type of funds

User Agreement

User gains access to certain unique ORNL designated facilities for R&D.

There are both proprietary and nonproprietary agreements.

A DOE class waiver provides that user inventions go to the user.





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Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the US Department of Energy



Last Modified: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:27 PM