Argonne National Laboratory

Materials Science Division

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The instrumentation in the Center is organized according to specialized functions.  Major areas in the Center include the IVEM-Tandem, the Analytical Electron Microscopy facility, the Advanced Analytical Electron Microscope, Specimen Preparation, and the Computing Center.  In addition, a variety of other resources are available through collaboration with scientists in MSD.  These resources are summarized below.


This unique facility consists of an intermediate voltage TEM (Hitachi H-9000 NAR) interfaced to two ion accelerators.  This combination allows in situ observation of ion beam modification and effects of irradiation.  In addition, a number of holders allow for a variety of in situ experiments to be performed, including low temperature studies in a liquid He stage.  The accelerators also are used independently for ion beam irradiation/implantation and analysis including research for other programs.  More information on the IVEM-Tandem is available at


The Analytical Electron Microscopy facility consists of electron microscopes that are optimized for high resolution and/or analytical work.  This part of the Center primarily serves a regional and local user community.

Current instrumentation in the AEM includes:

  • FEI Tecnai F20ST – analytical TEM and STEM
  • Philips CM30T – analytical TEM
  • Hitachi S-4700-II – high resolution SEM
  • Zeiss 1540XB – dual beam FIB
  • FEI Quanta 400F – high resolution environmental SEM

Additional information on the AEM facility is available here [pdf - ].

Advanced Analytical Electron Microscope (AAEM) Project

The Advanced Analytical Electron Microscope is a unique instrument capable of numerous operating modes, Telepresence, CTEM, STEM, SEM, SCEM CBED, EELS, windowless EDXS, CCD TV-rate imaging, SIMS, gas reaction cell, energy filtering, etc. This instrument serves primarily as a test-bed for the development of new techniques and methods. More information on the AAEM is available at

Telepresence Collaboratory (TPC)

The Tele-Presence Microscopy (TPM) Collaboratory is an advanced concept in the integration of computers and high speed networks with scientific instruments for operation, control, communication and research which makes use of ANL's Advanced Analytical Electron Microscope (AAEM) and related instruments as development/testbed sites. The implementation of a Tele-Presence Facility allows a user from a remote location to either observe and/or control state-of-the-art instrumentation in a real time interactive mode. This concept has multiple applications in government, industry and education. When operational, a TPM user will be able to either passively or actively participate in scientific investigations at unique government resources such as national user facilities without being physically present at that facility. More information on TPM and the TPC is available at

Specimen Preparation

Specimen preparation is an important part of electron microscopy.  The EMC maintains an array of specimen preparation capabilities that are available to users.  While users are expected to carry out their own specimen preparation, expertise and guidance may be provided by EMC or other MSD staff.  The staff in the EMC have developed a number of new methods and approaches to sample preparation. 

Image Analysis Laboratory

The EMC Imaging Laboratory provides resources for image processing and analysis.  The center includes computers and workstations with commercial software for image simulation, modeling, manipulation and analysis together with input and output devices for image handling.


Instrument Calendars


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