Iowa State University

Iowa State University

Helping Iowa and Iowans become their best

What's in it for me?

As a taxpayer, you probably already understand that the 27,000 students who are enrolled at Iowa State help our economy by buying books and groceries, paying taxes, paying rent for apartments, and enjoying the myriad dining and entertainment venues we offer.

You probably already understand that the 1,700 faculty and 4,100 staff employed by Iowa State generate paychecks totaling more than $393 million a year that gets spent in more than 145 communities where our employees reside.

But you may not know that Iowa State University is fueling Iowa's economy in other ways as well. Check out these web pages and we think you'll discover how your investment in Iowa State is paying off big-time all across the state through our alumni, our technologies and our programs and services to Iowans and businesses and industries.