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Journals Indexed in TRIS Online


Accident Analysis and Prevention 

Accident Investigation Quarterly  

Accident Reconstruction Journal

ACI Materials Journal 

ACI Structural Journal  

Advances in Transportation Studies

Air & Space Smithsonian

Air Cargo World

Air Line Employee

Air Line Pilot

Air Traffic Control Quarterly and Operations

Air Traffic Technology International

Air Transport World

Aircraft Economics

Aircraft Interiors International

Airfinance Journal

Airline Business

Airline Monitor

Airline Pilot Careers

Airline Ship & Catering Onboard Services


Airlines International

Airport Magazine

Airport Press

Airport World

Airports International 

AISCAT informazioni

American City & County 

The American Neptune

American Road

American Shipper

AOPA Pilot

APWA Reporter

Aramco World

Asian Shipping


Asphalt Paving Technology

Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists. Proceedings 

ASTM Standardization News 

Automotive Engineering 

Automotive Fleet 

Automotive Industries 

Automotive News 


Aviation International News 

Aviation Latin America & Caribbean

Aviation Safety Reflexions

Aviation Strategy 

Aviation Week & Space Technology 

Avmark Aviation Economist

Better Roads 

Bridge Design and Engineering 

Bridge Structures:  Assessment, Design and Construction

Bridges: For the Business of design and Rehaiblitation

Bulletin des laboratories des ponts et chausses

Bulletin of the Permanent Intl. Assn. of Navigation Congresses 

Business & Commercial Aviation 

Bus ride


California Transportation Journal

Car and Driver

Card technology

Cargo Systems International

Cargo Today 

CATS Research News 

CE New

Cement and Concrete Research

Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates 

Chicago Maritime Society  

The Chronicle 

Civil Aviation Magazine 

Civil Engineering  (ASCE) 

CNS Focus


Collegiate Aviation Review

Commercial Aviation Report 

Commercial Carrier Journal 

Community Transportation 


Compendium of Technical Papers: ITE ... Annual Meeting 

Composite Technology

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 

Concrete International 

Conference Proceedings  (TRB) 


Consumer Reports

Container Management 

Containerisation International

Continental Railway Journal 



CTBSSP Research Results Digests

CTBSSP Synthesis

Defense Transportation Journal 


Diary (Port Authority of NY/NJ) 

Direction (American Moving & Storage Association) 

DNV Forum 


Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technologies

Electric Railway Society Journal 

Elevator World


Estudios de Construccion, Transportes y Comunicaciones 

FAA aviation news : a DOT/FAA flight standards safety publication

Fairplay International Shipping Weekly 

Fast Ferry International 

First and Fastest 

Fleet Owner 

Flight International 

Flight Safety Digest 

Flight Safety Foundation News 



Ford World 


Frequent Flyer 

Geospatial Solutions 

Geotechnical Testing Journal 

GFR Enginnering Solutions for Roads, Soil, Water and Waste

Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies

The Global Review of Underground Space 

GPS World 

Great Lakes Seaway Review 

Green Diamond 

Haven Amsterdam 


Heavy Duty Trucking 

Heavy Vehicle Systems 

Highway Safety Directions 



HMAT (Hot Mix Asphalt Technology) 

Home and Away 

Human Factors 

Human Factors and Aerospace Safety: An International Journal

IATSS research 

ICAO Journal 

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

IEEE Transactions on Vehicle Technology

IFAC Symposia

Illinois Aviation 

IMO News 

IMSA Journal 

In Transition

Inbound Logistics 

Indian Highways

Indian Railways 

Indian Roads Congress Journal

Indian Shipping 

Injury Prevention

Innovation and Technology Transfer / DG XIII

Innovation Briefs 

Innovation Transport: Bulletin Scientifique et Technologique

Inside Iowa Department of Transportation 

Inside ITS



International Airport Review

International Bulk Journal 

International Journal of Aviation Psychology 

International Journal of Crashworthiness

International Journal of Critical Infrastructure 

International Journal of Geomechanics

International Journal of Infrastructure

International Journal of Logistics Management 

International Journal of Maritime History

International Journal of Pavement Engineering 

International Journal of Pavements

International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design

International Journal of Transport Economics 

International Journal of Transport Management 

International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems

International Journal of Vehicle Design

International Journal of Vehicle Safety

International Railway Journal 

International Railway Traveler 

Issues in Science and Technology 

ITE Journal 

ITS America Conference Proceedings 

ITS IDEA Product Report 

ITS International 

IVT International : Industrial vehicle technology

JAMA Forum

Jane’s Airport Review 

Japan Railway & Transport Review 

Japanese Railway Engineering 

Journal of Accident Investigation

Journal of Advanced Transportation 

Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Journal of Air Law and Commerce 

Journal of Air Traffic Control 

Journal of Air Transport Management 

Journal of Air Transportation

Journal of Arab Academy for Science & Technology 

Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Aviation & Aerospace …

Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Business Logistics 

Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (Vilnius Technical Univ.)

Journal of Cold Regions Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Composites for Construction (ASCE) 

Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE) 

Jounral of Earthquake Engineering

Journal of Energy Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) 

Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Infrastructure Systems (ASCE) 

Journal of International Logistics and Trade

Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Navigation

Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE) 

Journal of Police & Criminal Psychology

Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice (ASCE) 

Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings (JPCL) 

Journal of Public Transportation 

Journal of Safety Research 

Journal of Ship Production

Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Surveying Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of the American Planning Association 

Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 

Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 

Journal of Transport Geography

Journal of Transport History

Journal of Transportation and Statistics 

Journal of Transportation Engineering (ASCE) 

Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy 

Journal of Transportation Management

Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care

Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing

Journal of Travel Research

Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE) 

Journal of Urban Technology 

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (ASCE) 

Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ASCE) 

JR Bulletin

JR East Technical Review

JSAE, Review

Kagaku Keisatsu Kenkyujo hokoku. Kotsuhen

Kung lu chiao t’ung k’o chi = Journal and Transportation R&D

Land Line

Leadership and Management in Engineering

Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport

Lifting Transportation International

Light & Medium Truck

Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly

Lloyd’s Shipping Economist

Location Science

Locomotive Engineers Journal

Log (British Air Line Pilots Assn.)

Logistics & Sustainable Transport

Logistics Comment

Logistics Management

Logistics Management and Distribution Project

Logistics Spectrum

London Lines : the London transport magazine

Marine Digest

Marine Log

Marine Safety Council Proceedings 

Marine Technology

Marine Technology Society Journal

The Maritime Executive

Maritime Newsletter

Maritime Policy and Management 

Maritime Reporter

Mass Transit 

Material Handling Management

Metro Magazine

Metro Report: A Railway Gazette Yearbook

Modern Asphalts

Modern Bulk Transporter

Motor coach age

Motor coach today

Motor Ship


NAFA Fleet Executive

NAFA Fleet Focus

National Association of Railroad Passengers News

National Railway Bulletin

Natural Hazards Review 


NCHRP IDEA Product Report 

NCHRP Legal Research Digest

NCHRP Report 

NCHRP Research Results Digest

NCHRP Synthesis 

NCHRP Web Document

Newsletter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Soc.

Nordic Road & Transport Research

North Western Lines

NTIS Alert

OECD observer

On Scene


P.A. Today

Pacific maritime magazine


Parking professional

Parking Today

Passenger Terminal World

Passenger Transport


Pavement: Maintenance and Reconstruction 

PB Network

PC Trans

PCI Journal

Periodica Polytechnica: Transportation Engineering. Transport.

Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 

Pipeline & Gas Journal


Planning and Environmental Law

Policy Studies Journal 

Port Development International

Port of Baltimore

Port of Rotterdam

Ports (Associated British Ports)

Ports and Harbors

Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management (ASCE)

Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction (ASCE)

Proceedings of the Council of Logistics Management

Proceedings of the Bus Conference (APTA)

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechancial Engineers, Part F Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit

Proceedings of the Rapid Transit Conference (APTA) 

Proceedings of the Transportation Research Forum

Proceedings, Marine Safety Council

Professional Pilot

Professional Mariner

Progressive Railroading 

Promet Traffic – Traffico 

Public Roads 

Public Transport International 

Public Works 

Public Works Financing 

Public Works Management & Policy 

Public Works Manual

Quarterly Report of RTRI 

Rail & transports – hebdomadaire professionnel du transport europeen

Rail Engineering International 

Rail International

Rail Professional

Rail Travel News

Railfan & Railroad


Railroad History

Railway Age  

Railway Gazette Internation

Railway Museum Quarterly

Railway Track & Structures (RT&S) 

Railway technical review

Railway, the Employee Magazine of BNSF …


Refrigerated Transporter

Regional Airline World

Revista de Obras Publicas

Revista de Vias y Transportes

Revue generale des Chemins de Fer

Right of way

Rivista internazionale die economia dei trasporti

Road & Transport Research (Australia)

Roads & Bridges 

Rolls Royce Magazine

Rotor & wing international


Safe Cycling

Safe journal

Safe Ride News


School bus fleet

Sea letter

Sea technology


Seatrade cruise review

Shipping World & Shipbuilder

Signalman’s Journal

Sistemi di Trasporto

Solidarity (UAW)

South African Shipping News

South African Transport



Stapp Car Crash Journal

Status Report

Steamboat Bill : Journal of the Steamship historical society

Strasse und Autobahn

Strassen- und Tiefbau


Supply Chain Management Review

Sustainable Transport

TCRP Legal Results Digest

TCRP Report

TCRP Research Results Digest

TCRP Synthesis

TCRP Web Document

TDM Review


Tech transfer / University of California

Terra et Aqua

Texas Transportation Researcher

Tie ja liikenne

Tire Technology International


TR News

Track & Signal

Traffic Injury Prevention

Traffic Safety

Traffic Safety Center Online Newsletter

Traffic Technology International

Traffic World


Tramway Review

Tramways & Urban Transit

Transactions (Calif. Metropolitan Transportation Commission)


Transit California

Transit IDEA Product Report


Transport (Journal of Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ. and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)

Transport Action

Transport & Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific

Transport, Environment, Circulation

Transport Management

Transport Policy

Transport Retort

Transport Reviews

Transport Topics

Transportation & Distribution

Transportation (Mass. Inst. of Tech. Inst. of Transportation Studies)

Transportation Builder

Transportation Facts about the Northeastern Ill. Region

Transportation Journal

Transportation Law Journal

Transportation Leader

Transportation Management and Engineering

Transportation Planning

Transportation Planning and Technology

Transportation: Planning, Policy, Research Practice

Transportation Research. Part A: Policy and Practice

Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological

Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging technologies

Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment

Transportation Research. Part F: Psychology and Behaviour

Transportation Research. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Transportation Research Circular

Transportation Research Record

Transportation Science



Transports Urbains: ie Forum des Transports Publics

TRB Special Report

TRL News

Trolleybus Magazine

Tunnels and Tunnelling International

UMTRI Research Review

Urban Lawyer

Urban Transport International

Urban Transportation Monitor

Utility Fleet Management

UTU News (United Transportation Union)

Vehicle System Dynamics


Verkehr und Technik

Via (Schweizerische Bundesbahnen)

Vic Roads

Volpe Journal

Ward’s Auto World

Waterways Journal

Western ITE

Wheels (Detroit)

Wheels of Time

Work Boat

World Airnews

World Congress on ITS

World Highways/Routes Du Monde

World Transport Policy & Practice

WWS / World Wide Shipping

Yun shu chi hua = Transportation Planning Journal


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TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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