Cedar Rapids, IA, Eastern Iowa Airport

The Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) is located 6 miles southwest of Cedar Rapids, IA. The geographical position is N41-53.08', W 91-42.65' at an elevation of 864'.

Use diligence and caution, especially when the Air Traffic Control Tower is closed, as the approach and departure ends of both runways are not mutually visible due to building and terrain obstructions. When taxiing to/from the ramp on Taxiway Bravo use caution when crossing Runway 13/31.

Public facility

Control Tower 1100 - 0530Z

Chicago ARTCC

Fort Dodge AFSS

RWY 09/27 H8600X150 VASI

RWY 13/31 H5700X150 VASI

CTAF: 118.7

UNICOM: 122.95

ATIS: 124.15

ASOS: (319) 363-9021

TOWER: 118.7

GND CON: 121.6

APPROACH CON: 119.7, 134.05, 119.05

Chicago ARTCC: 132.8

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