Iowa NatureMapping Identity Banner
Norther Leopard Frog by Mark Müller
Norther Leopard Frog by Mark Müller
NatureMapping Funders

Iowa NatureMapping is currently funded by participant training fees and by the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Iowa State University.

Iowa NatureMapping is an Extension Wildlife program within the Iowa State University Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management and is coordinated jointly with the Iowa Master Conservationist Program.

Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management

Iowa State University

ISU Extension Wildlife Programs

Master Conservationist Program

View an Introductory Slide
Show about NatureMapping

As of February, 2007 there are 1601 monitoring locations established for Iowa NatureMapping - Click here to see an image of these sites

Results of the Road Kill Monitoring Project

View the slide show


2006 Project AWARE

Wildlife Monitoring

For Educators

Upcoming Workshops
Advisory Committee
NatureMapping is Iowa's volunteer-driven wildlife monitoring program. It is a hands-on environmental education program that is growing and evolving. NatureMapping involves the public in “finding the pieces of the puzzle”.
We need your help because there is not enough time, money, or wildlife professionals to monitor Iowa's diversity of wildlife species. But you observe wildlife every day, therefore you have a wealth of knowledge that can help natural resource professionals and land managers in wildlife management decisions. In the past, many professionals and managers have not wanted the public’s assistance, but that is changing.
Individuals, schools, and other community groups can all participate. Individuals can provide much needed data by recording wildlife observations around their home, when hiking, watching their feeders, or other wildlife-related activities.
School participation can vary depending on the size and scope of the projects they choose. NatureMapping can fulfill a valuable service to a student's community as well as engage them in a relevant project of data collection and analysis. Communities may wish to preserve or restore sites. Mapping biodiversity is an important early step towards progressive community planning. All types of people and groups can become involved.
NatureMapping is a perfect way to use your appreciation of nature and contribute much needed information about Iowa's common wildlife species.

Learn about the history of NatureMapping

Introduction to Iowa NatureMapping

For more information on the Iowa
NatureMapping Program, please contact:

Jaymi LeBrun
Iowa NatureMapping Program Coordinator

Department of Natural Resource
Ecology and Management
339 Science II
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-3221
Phone: 515-294-6440
FAX: 515/294-2995