105 Horticulture Hall, Ames, IA 50011

Iowa Master Gardener Program


James Romer
Master Gardener Coordinator
James Romer
Email: jromer@iastate.edu
Phone 515/294-2336
Fax 515/294-4817


For staff

2009 Master Gardener Calendar

Color In the Landscape Is Theme for 2009 ISU Extension Garden Calendar.
More than 70 color photographs illustrate this year's edition of the calendar, which is available for holiday giving. The 2009 Garden Calendar, PM 815, is available from local ISU Extension county offices or can be ordered from the ISU Extension Online Store.

Become a Master Gardener

Master Gardeners are individuals who have an interest in horticulture, have taken the Master Gardener training offered by the extension service, and share their time and expertise with other gardeners. It is the acquisition of knowledge, the skill in gardening, and giving back to the community that distinguishes a Master Gardener from other gardeners.

The purpose of the Iowa Master Gardener Program is to provide sound horticultural information to the citizens of Iowa through the volunteer effects of Master Gardeners. Master Gardeners are residents of a community who take an active interest in horticulture. They receive training in horticulture through the Iowa State University Extension Service. In return for their training, Master Gardeners volunteer in extension horticulture programs and projects which enhance the community. Read on.

History of the Iowa Master Gardener Program

Mission Statement

Meet Dr. Cindy Haynes

Dr. Cindy HaynesDr. Cindy Haynes, Associate Professor of Horticulture and Extension Consumer Horticulturist has assumed leadership for Iowa's Master Gardener program

Comments on our web site?

Please email us.

News & Updates

Iowa Master Gardener ProgramUpcoming Events

Check out our calendar of events page.

Training Sites and Schedule

Find out more about the 2009 training sites and schedule.

Garden Column

01/12/2009 - Cobwebs in the Corners of My Mind

01/02/2009 - Ask the ISU Extension Garden Experts: Pruning Shears and Moth Orchids

View photos from the Master Gardener Summer Session, July 11-12, 2008

2008 Master Gardener Summer Session


Web site questions:
Liisa Järvinen