Practices & Research


Farming Practices and On-Farm Research from PFI

new Flame Cultivation Effectiveness and Cost
new Soil Fertility Management Strategies – Philosophies, Crop Response and Costs
new Protecting Sweet Corn from the Corn Earworm with Vegetable Oil and Btk
Managing for Herd Health in Alternative Swine Systems: A Guide
On-Farm Research Results Since 1987
new On-Farm Research Results, 2004-2007
Cropping Systems Research at ISU (Dec. 2005;requires Adobe Acrobat™ Reader)
new Selling Organic Hay and the Farm Nutrient Balance (requires Adobe Acrobat™ Reader)
Green Lands Blue Waters, Perennials for the Ag Landscape – Online Workshop
Herd Health and Production Strategies – Online Workshop
Swine Records: “Am I Really Making Any Money?” – Online Workshop
Alternatives in Agriculture, Thompson 2004 Report
On-Farm Research Results & Pointers

Crop Management Resources from PFI

Livestock Resources from PFI

Additional Farming Systems Resources:
Out-and-About – photos from past field days and meetings
Selected Past PFI Newsletters
Audubon County Farmers Speak – listen to their interviews
¡Bienvenidos a PFI!
Cuba Study Trip Report
Perú Study Trips Report   

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