University of Nebraska–Lincoln

The Food Processing Center

Food From Thought

Areas of Expertise

The Food Processing Center has various skills to aid you in the development of your business.

FPC Technical Papers

Papers by Food Processing Center Staff

Steve Weier

Pilot Plant Manager


Focus Area

Pilot Plant Services

The Food Processing Center is your one source for comprehensive pilot plant services. Our goal is for you to enter the market with a thoroughly tested product and process. To accomplish this, our highly experienced pilot plant staff will help you identify your objectives and provide the innovative services to meet them. These services cover a wide variety of product areas and include:

  • Evaluation of scale up issues in an unbiased setting
  • Production of food products for use in consumer research, internal product reviews, test markets, demonstrations and trade shows
  • Testing to determine the impact of an ingredient on a finished product

Equally important to what we do, is how we do it. Our pilot plant staff delivers all services in a price-competitive, timely manner with complete confidentiality. We bring creativity and resourcefulness to every project, the type of “can do” attitude which fosters new product success.

Here is a video preview of our extrusion services: