Industrial Agricultural Products Center
Biopolymers, Biochemicals, Biofuels, Biopower
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Nebraska Biodiesel Industry Development Seminar

A statewide assessment of biodiesel resources was presented as a part of the USDA – Rural Development Value Added Producer Grant, “Strategically Locating Soybean and Biodiesel Processing Facilities in Nebraska,” in August 2006.

Acrobat Reader required to view the following files.

Biodiesel Industry: A National Perspective
Biodiesel Industry: A Statewide Assessment
Bioidiesel State Incentives
NSA Final Executive Summary
NSA Final Report

Seminar Agenda 2005
Powerpoint presentations, in pdf format, will open in a new window:
Biodiesel Plant Development Considerations
Biodiesel and Project Finance
West Central Cooperative/REG
Technology Providers - Overview

Event Coordinator: Nebraska Value Added Partnership
Event Sponsors: Nebraska Public Power District, Nebraska Cooperative Development Center, Nebraska Soybean Board, Nebraska Farm Bureau, and Nebraska USDA Rural Development, Center for Applied Rural Innovation
Other valuable links: Nebraska Department of Agriculture, Nebraska Soybean Association, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, Nebraska Department of Economic Development

Our mission at IAPC is to improve the economy of Nebraska and the Great Plains region by developing uses for agricultural raw materials. In today's agricultural markets, bountiful harvests do not guarantee economic success, and in fact, often drive down prices. Industry also faces challenges; as environmental awareness increases, manufacturing products that work is not enough. The need to protect our air, land, and water has led to increased government regulation and compels the development of "cleaner and greener" technologies and products.

"The benefits of bioenergy were recognized in Title III of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 and Executive Order 13134 which set the goal of tripling the use of biofuels and biobased products by 2010. By utilizing the renewable resources on America's farmland, we can generate electricity, fuel our vehicles, and create a variety of products, all of which can provide new revenue streams to farmers." --Jeremy Ames and Carol Werner, "Revitalizing the Farm Economy via Renewable Energy Development," BioCycle, October, 2001
The Industrial Agricultural Products Center (IAPC) was established in 1988 by the University of Nebraska's Board of Regents, to identify and promote new industrial uses for Nebraska's agricultural commodities. We work with the private sector to develop environmentally friendly products and technologies, using raw materials produced in agriculture.
"We have only scratched the surface of developing farm-based sources of renewable energy--ethanol, biodiesel, biomass, wind, methane, hydrogen. Agriculture is not just about food and fiber. Anything we can produce from a barrel of oil, we can also produce on our farms." --Senator Tom Harkin, U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee, June 28, 2001.

Building on our history of innovation and cooperation with a wide array of corporate, government, and non-profit organizations, the IAPC is positioned to take our programs to the next level. Short and long-term plans for the years 2001 through 2010 have been outlined and approved for implementation.

"Biodegradable plastics, one of the fastest growing types of thermoplastics, are the focus of intense R&D, commercialization and marketing efforts. The European market for biodegradable plastics has enormous potential and producers are improving their materials and finding new customers and applications." --European Plastics News, 2001
Acting within this future-oriented vision, the Center will focus on developing the potential of our country's biological resources. Four major areas of research and development have been identified: biopolymers, biochemicals, biofuels, and biopower. The processes associated with these areas of research include extrusion, oil processing, gasification, and separation.

For further information, contact the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Industrial Agricultural Products Center, 208 L.W. Chase Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0730. Telephone: 1-402-472-1634 Fax: 1-402-472-6338, or e-mail.