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Home arrow Economic Issues in Historic Preservation arrowTable of Contents: Sources of Financial Assistance for Historic Preservation Projects
Sources of Financial Assistance for Historic Preservation Projects

Table of Contents

Chairman's Message


Federal Financial Assistance: Introduction

Federal Funds for the National Historic Preservation Program

Federal Financial Assistance Specifically for Historic Preservation
 -Tribal Issues
 -Specific Historic Properties

Other Federal Financial Assistance
 -Community and Economic Development Programs
 -Cultural and Arts Programs
 -Natural Resource Conservation and Recreation Programs
 -Disaster Response

Federal Tax Incentives

Funding Preservation of Federally Owned Historic Properties

State, Tribal, and Local Financial Assistance

Non-Profit Financial Assistance

Chairman's Message

ACHP Chairman John L. NauWelcome to ACHP's online guide to financial assistance for historic preservation projects.

The Federal Government supports historic preservation through a variety of funding sources and technical assistance programs. The National Park Service is a major source of support, but preservation assistance is also available, either directly or indirectly, from many other agencies. This guide is a clearinghouse of information on Federal historic preservation support, and also touches upon State, tribal, local, and nonprofit funding sources.

Successful historic preservation projects can significantly benefit communities by increasing property values, creating jobs, and improving economic vitality through initiatives such as heritage tourism.

Historic preservation projects need firm financial foundations to succeed, and a significant amount of funding is available from a wide variety of sources. We hope that this guide helps you navigate these diverse opportunities.

John L. Nau, III
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation


In 1853, when Ann Pamela Cunningham launched the first successful nationwide preservation effort—to preserve George Washington's Mount Vernon—there were no established funding sources to turn to and virtually no precedent for government funding of historic preservation.

The situation is radically different today, more than 150 years later. Preservation efforts in America are funded by a diverse network of sources from all levels of government and the private sector.

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has established this clearinghouse of information to assist the preservation community and the general public in exploring the range of preservation funding options. The emphasis is on Federal funding, with more limited discussion of State, tribal, local, and non-profit funding opportunities.

Please remember that individuals cannot apply directly to the Federal Government for most Federal historic preservation funding. Such money generally goes to State, tribal, or local governments and non-profit organizations.

For more information on the complete range of Federal assistance programs available, we suggest you consult the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (, and Grants. gov ( The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance provides information on grants and loans, as well as non-financial Federal assistance. is a centralized site for finding and applying for Federal grants.

Updated May 16, 2008

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