E-News Capsule

January 13, 2009  


Upcoming Food Science Training Opportunity:

Breakfast Cereal
Master Class

March 9�, 2009
Peterborough, England

Latest Updates   Continuing Education Annual Meeting  
Membership News Division Activities
Section Activities

AACC International Press Online Resources


Get Ready to Vote in the AACC International Election
All eligible voting members of the association should watch their e-mail on January 15 for election materials. Electronic ballots will be sent to all voting members with a valid e-mail address, and paper ballots will be sent to those without. Running for president-elect are David Hahn and Barry McCleary. Lydia Tooker Midness and Peter Weegels are running for director. Background information on the candidates can be found in the November-December Cereal Foods World. The newly elected officers will take their positions at the end of the 2009 annual meeting.

Best Student Research Paper Competition  
The Professional Development Panel (PDP) is sponsoring a Best Student Research Paper Competition to be held at the 2009 AACC Intl. Annual Meeting. Academic departments may submit one nominee each for the competition and the top six submissions will compete for recognition and cash prizes in a special two-hour session at the September 13-16, 2009, annual meeting in Baltimore. Watch for more details or contact PDP Chair Jon Faubion.

Students: Scholarship Applications Due March 1
The AACC International Foundation is now accepting applications for undergraduate and graduate scholarships to be awarded for the 2009�10 school year. Applicants must be current AACC International student members to qualify. Visit AACCnet for more information.

Board Nominations Needed for 2010 Election
The AACC International Nominating Committee is developing a list of qualified association members for the offices of president-elect and director. Those nominated will be considered by the AACC International Nominating Committee for the 2010 election and will take office in October 2010. A nominating form can be found on AACCnet and is due by March 1, 2009. 


C&E Spring Meeting梂hole Grain Global Summit
The updated program is now available for the 2009 C&E Spring Meeting. Presentations include a workshop by the AACC International Whole Grains Task Force, as well as sessions on regulatory aspects, technology, health, sensory challenges, phytochemicals, and much more! Sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are still available. 

Keep the Competitive Edge: Attend AACC Intl. Short Courses
Keep your competitive edge by attending one of AACC International抯 upcoming short courses. Food Extrusion will take place February 4� 2009, in Mahwah, New Jersey. It includes a field trip to Coperion Werner & Pfleiderer. The Breakfast Cereals course is scheduled March 9�, 2009, in Peterborough, England. It includes a field trip to Baker Perkins. Both Batters & Breadings (March 16�) and Chemical Leavening (March 18�) will be in Tampa, Florida. In addition, Wheat and Functionality will be April 27�, 2009, in St. Paul, MN.

IWQC-IV Wheat Science: Challenges & Opportunities
The March 1 abstract submission deadline is approaching. Be a part of this AACC International-endorsed meeting that reflects rapid scientific advances that are being made in understanding wheat grain development, technological advancements in ways to study wheat grain, and engineering innovations to utilize grain for food, feed, and industrial applications. Registrations and abstracts are now being accepted. The meeting will take place June 2� 2009, at the Radisson Hotel, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 

Statistics for Quality: A Comprehensive Series
This six-part series runs February through April 2009. Programs are held at LifeScience Alley in St. Louis Park, MN. In addition, AACC International members will receive their member rate.


Call for Papers Opens February 1, 2009
The Program Planning Team invites submissions of both oral and poster presentations for the 2009 annual meeting. Submitting an abstract for the 2009 AACC International Annual Meeting in Baltimore is the best way to ensure that you are doing all you can to remain active and visible in your industry. Submissions may be made online February 1朅pril 15, 2009. Both oral and poster presentations will be reviewed for acceptance into the program.  

Annual Meeting Website Updates

The 2009 annual meeting website has been updated to include information on the call for papers, the exhibition, housing, travel, the new program format, and more! Visit the meeting website for more information and for frequent updates and developments.   


Renew Your Membership!
AACC International is sharpening its focus for 2009 and needs your expertise and support! Be sure to renew your membership when your term is up � you will receive an e-mail with your personal renewal link, and you will also receive a paper copy of your invoice. If you have any questions regarding your membership, please e-mail Member Services or call +1.651.454.7250.


Milling and Baking
Division 2009 Spring Technical Conference
Mark your calendars and plan to attend the 2009 Spring Technical Conference, Albuquerque, NM, at the Embassy Suites Hotel. Dates of the conference are May 13�, 2009. The golf tournament will be held on Wednesday, with the conference running all day Thursday, and half-day Friday. Please contact Dave Braun  for program information and sponsorship opportunities. Online registration and housing materials will be available on AACCnet by February 1, 2009. Please note that registration materials will not be mailed. Check AACCnet for conference updates and details.


Register Now for the 56th Research Review Conference
The conference, preceded by a Wheat and Flours Methods Workshop, is brought to you by the USDA-ARS Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory and the Cincinnati Section of AACC Intl., will be held at the Shisler Conference Center, in Wooster, OH. Registration fees ($85; $120 for late registration) must be postmarked by February 17, 2009, to avoid late fees. For more information, contact Meera Kweon or visit the Cincinnati Section website.

Pioneer Section 2008 Trophy and Certificate Winners
Rich Kendrick, chair of the Pioneer Section recently announced the winners of their 2008 check sample results. Visit the Pioneer Section's website to see who will receive trophies for first place.


New Special Offer on Three New AACC International PRESS Titles!
Save $118 when you buy the following titles together: Dietary Fiber: An International Perspective for Harmonization of Health Benefits and Energy Values; Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation: Where Science Meets Industry; and Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury. Members will save an extra 10% with their membership discount. Order online or call 1.800.328.7560.  

Partner with Cereal Foods World  
CFW抯 value to advertisers comes from its excellent editorial content, its focus on grain-based foods, its concentrated readership of quality technical personnel, and the opportunity to choose single-ad insertions or increased exposure through multi-ad sponsorship packages. Learn more about sponsorships on AACCnet.


Quantitation of LMW-GS to HMW-GS Ratio in Wheat Flours
Analyses were made on reduced glutenin from each of three preparations by RP-HPLC, SE-HPLC, and SDS-PAGE. Two solvents, DMSO and 50% propanol, were tested and found to extract appreciable amounts of polymeric protein, thus casting some doubts on the accuracy of the determinations. This paper explores the impact of solvents on glutenin. As illustrated in this paper, we continue to make steady progress on procedures to study the structure of wheat gluten. Along with the new techniques come new insights into gluten and its functionality. Read more in this month抯 Editor抯 Pick.

Don't Miss the Top Cereal Chemistry Articles of 2008
10. Modified Wheat Starches Increase Bread Yield [more]
   9. Corn Gluten Meal as a Thermoplastic Resin: Effect of Plasticizers and Water Content [more]
   8. Rice Aroma and Flavor: A Literature Review [more]
   7. Effects of Transglutaminase on Rheology, Microstructure, and Baking Properties of Frozen Dough [more]         
  See the full list!

Send Us Your News. If you have suggestions for items you would like included in the AACC International News Capsule, please send items (75-word maximum) to Amanda Aranowski.

AACC International News Capsule � 2009, AACC International

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