Administrative Competency Endorsement (ACE)

The National Community Education Association's (NCEA) Administrative Competency Endorsement (ACE) was adopted in 1997 to provide a process in which administrators are able to document, demonstrate, and articulate their competencies as Community Education professionals. Individuals voluntarily completing this national endorsement process, measured by rigorous standards and performance based assessments, will earn the highest distinction as an NCEA Fellow.

There is a direct correlation between lifelong learning and practical experience and the endorsement process is centered on a combination of professionalism, expertise, and excellence. An individual who earns the NCEA Fellow designation possesses a significant depth and breadth of understanding Community Education philosophy and principles, as well as a strong practical knowledge base for daily application. The successful candidates are truly among the very best in the nation and are considered to be the catalyst for positive and lasting change.

The ACE process is intended for individuals who have:

  1. a broad base of life experiences
  2. worked in a school based community education program(s) for a minimum of five years
  3. demonstrated district-wide administrative leadership experience
  4. attained a minimum of a bachelor's degree or equivalent life experiences

ACE candidates submit an application, a $275 application fee, and portfolio documenting their competencies no later than September 15th each year. Following the submission of materials, a peer review team interview will be scheduled at the NCEA annual conference (November or December) to review the portfolio and validate accomplishments in each of the 9 competencies and 43 indicators.

For complete detailed information, including directions, requirements, and all necessary forms,
Download all ACE documents 

For further information, contact Hannah Puczko, NCEA Professional Endorsement Committee Chair at

NCEA, 3929 Old Lee Highway #91-A, Fairfax, VA 22030-2401
P 703-359-8973 F 703-359-0972 -

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