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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry



Region 2, April 30, 2006

In March 2006, the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge ordered a fire Prevention Education Team (FPET) to develop an outreach program to reduce the risk of wildland fire to 43 communities near the 15 refuges in the Oklahoma and North Texas Fire Management Zone.  The team was in place from March 4 through April 8.  The FPET was established as a product development team. At the completion of the assignment, six publications are submitted for GPO printing.  A Fish and Wildlife Service Fire Management presentation discussing fire ecology, fuels, prescribed burning, wildfire suppression, and Firewise, developed in PowerPoint format, has been completed for quest speakers and train-the-trainer presentations.  A stand-alone Firewise Power Point presentation is completed.  A pair of portable FWS, Fire Management displays were created.  Additionally, a web site was developed to present information about prescribed fire, Firewise, and wildfire.  The agency server hosts the web site. We have completed BETA tests at community meetings and events, environmental education classrooms, and firefighter association meetings.  To date, components of this outreach program have reached > 500 individuals with > 50 key contacts requesting follow up.  These contacts will provide key promotional and logistical support during community roll out.  Full roll out of materials, displays, and presentations will begin later this summer as the next window of opportunity occurs.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599, martin_valdez@fws.gov