Implementation Plan, 2003-2004

North Carolina Cooperative Extension at NCSU and NCA&T Strategic Plan for Sustainable Agriculture Training

in conjunction with the Professional Development Program 1999-2004

Paul Mueller
Crop Science Dept. NCSU

John O'Sullivan
Cooperative Extension Program NCA&TSU


The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, in collaboration with farmers, governmental and non-governmental organizations will educate and train extension workers and other agricultural advisors in concepts and practices that support agricultural sustainability.


Integrity in exploring agricultural issues by pursuing a Systems Approach

Shared learning respectful of all concerned

Concern for economic, environmental and social well-being of present and future generations


1. Institutionalize introductory training on sustainable agriculture concepts for new extension workers of the NCCES as mandated by Farm Bill Legislation.

Action Steps:

2. Explore networking possibilities for training NRCS concerning sustainable agriculture activities such as whole farm planning, conservation tillage, cost share programs related to stream buffering, etc., and pasture ecology and rotational grazing.

Action Steps:

3. Network with IMP program in providing training and other information regarding the ongoing dialogue over the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA)

Action Steps:

4. Conduct training with CES staff and farmers on methodology of obtaining unbiased, site-specific research information in helping farmers generate information relevant to their own farms. This farmer-driven approach may be effective in helping farmers through transition in their farming operations brought about by changes in governmental commodity programs.

Action Steps:

5. Continue the establishment of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) as a collaborative effort among institutions (NCDA&CS, NCSU and NCA&TSU), farmers and organizations (NGOs and others) for study of agricultural sustainability through research, demonstration and training.

Action Steps:

6. Establish curricula within the higher education system through: development of an agro-ecology curriculum within the land grant system; providing organic production information for CES staff and farmers; support for small-farm and beginning farmer programs sponsored by local community colleges.

Active Steps:

7. Together with NGOs and organizations, explore the development of training programs to help farmers survive the period of transition from government support programs and globalization of markets. Areas such as land-loss prevention, farmland preservation, value-added marketing strategies, financial planning and debt management and asset preservation options should be explored.

Action Steps:

8. Develop and evaluation plan that:

    1. Determines to what degree education objectives are met.

    2. Provides adequate feedback so that program efforts can be revised.

    3. Allows for efficient allocation of program resources.

Action Steps:


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