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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry

Cibola NWR December Staff Notes

Region 2, January 6, 2008

Cibola NWR, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Ducks Unlimited Chapters of Arizona, and Southwest Arizona Habitat Partnership Committee successfully held the 1st annual youth waterfowl workshop for Arizona on Cibola NWR.  The workshop introduced and educated young hunters in good sportsmanship and the importance of our natural resources through a hunter mentor program developed by Arizona Game and Fish Department.  The workshop included goose hunting opportunities on Farm Unit II hunt fields and a multitude of clinics throughout the three day workshop which includes but not limited too waterfowl calling and decoying, waterfowl identification, archery, trap range, and watchable wildlife tour.

Intern Chase booked field trips for three elementary schools in Blythe for the month of January.  Letters to invite the schools to visit the refuge have been sent to local schools in Blythe, Ehrenburg, Yuma and Quartzite.

In support of the field trips, Intern Chase has developed a scavenger hunt for the students to complete on the bus tour.  The purpose of the scavenger hunt is to encourage students to be observant with their surroundings. This is consistent with the Last Child in the Woods methods and it supports science curriculum standards because the power of observation is an important skill for science. The field trips, while following the general itinerary that has been used before have been modified to support the curriculum the students are studying in their grades.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599, martin_valdez@fws.gov