October 2002

BFRL Monthly Highlights

October 2002 November 2002 December 2002 January 2003 February 2003 PAST Highlights

BFRL Supports Building Industry in Deploying Interoperable Software

The members of an international project known as BLIS (Building Life-cycle Interoperable Software) have unanimously accepted BFRL as a new member. The BLIS Project is dedicated to developing interoperable software based on the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), a STEP-compatible specification developed in the International Alliance for Interoperability. BFRL will develop IFC-based data import functions for several of its analysis and simulation software programs, beginning with CONTAMW for contaminant analysis. BFRL also will contribute to the BLIS testing and verification activities. Numbering more than 70 organizations worldwide, the BLIS membership from the United States includes software vendors such as Microsoft/Visio and Timberline; federal R&D laboratories such as the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; industry service providers such as AEC InfoSystems; and end users such as the U.S. Coast Guard.

Contact: Kent Reed (BFRL), 301-975-5852


BFRL Supports the Steel Construction Industry

Through the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and its Electronic Data Interchange Initiative, a number of U.S. and European companies are developing interoperable software applications that support steel
project delivery from design through analysis, detailing, and fabrication. The technical basis for interoperability is the CIMsteel Integration Standards Release 2 (CIS2), a pan-European specification that BFRL helped the AISC assess, select, and endorse. BFRL is working with industry partners in the AISC team to ensure proper interpretation and implementation of the specification. A Web-based CIS2-to-VRML translation service offered by BFRL is being used by software vendors and software users alike in testing the emerging translator implementations. BFRL presented its work to a meeting at this year’s North American Steel Construction Conference and the BFRL-generated visualizations were used to demonstrate the capabilities of CIS2 in both vendor and AISC booths at the concurrent industry show. BFRL has become a member of the International Technical Committee that is working on a new release of the CIMsteel Integration Standards.

Contact: Robert Lipman (BFRL), 301-975-3829


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Last updated: 10/23/2002