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Objective: To facilitate the growth of a profitable and sustainable pasture seeds industry based on a reputation for the reliable supply, domestically and internationally, of a range of pasture species.

Annette Sugden, 
Phone 6271 4138 email

Hugh Roberts Travel Award application open
The Hugh Roberts Travel Award is a well recognised travel award for members of the pasture seed and related industries. It is an excellent way to gain and develop new knowledge and industry contacts in Australia and abroad, as well benefit the industry. Click here for more information.
How to Apply
The 2009 application round opened on 1 August and closes 30 September 2008. An application form and guidelines can be here.

See also new research report:
Dividing the droplet – A water balance study for lucerne seed production resourced by an underground aquifer (05/116  DEB-3A)  Full report (180k) - PDF file needs Acrobat Reader  -  Summary Report

RIRDC Pasture Seeds Research Results:
Pasture Seeds publications for sale Free downloadable research reports
Free Short Reports (research summaries) Five-year Pasture Seeds Industry Plan
Completed Projects in 2006-2007 & Research in Progress as at June 2007
Pasture Seeds Agfacts (factsheets)
Pasture Seeds R&D Update Newsletter (PDF 900kb)
About the RIRDC Pasture Seeds Research Program:
Some Key Performance Indicators Total program budget 2007-2008
Background Strategies for 2007-2008
Expected key outputs in 2007-2008 Expected key outcomes in 2007-2008
New projects being funded in 2007-2008
Industry related links:

The Pasture Seeds R&D Program covers levied temperate pasture seeds of which the major crops comprise lucerne, medicago species, clover and sub-clover seeds. Leviable pasture seed production is concentrated in SA, Victoria and NSW however the majority of pasture seed growers are multi-commodity farmers and do not identify as seed growers in census and survey collections.

In 2004–05 Australia produced around 15,000 tonnes of certified seed – around 2.6% of all OECD seed produced. Around half this was pasture seed. The GVP of production of pastures and grasses harvested for seed in 2003–04 is estimated at $120.5 mill (ABS 2005). Production data is limited as the levy only covers a small proportion of seeds grown, there is little data collected for the industry, and farm based trading is common.

Trends suggest that the volume of Australian production has been significantly affected by drought conditions and that this trend is likely to increase for another one to two years due to lag effects of the drought on production. The current high fodder prices are also impacting on seed production as growers are cutting their crops before seed set to take advantage of good returns.

Opportunities for productivity and product enhancements through improvements to technology, analysis and standardisation of seed products, and crop management are moderate to good and the industry has focused strongly on addressing market requirements, establishing new markets and developing a high quality product.

In 2005–06 Australia imported 7,000 tonnes of pasture seeds valued at $16.5 million. Imports have trended downward over the past five years, however the impact of drought has caused an interim spike in volumes imported. In this period, the major pasture seeds imported have been rye grass, fescue and clover seed. Most imported seeds arrived from New Zealand (4,700 tonnes worth $10 million) and the United States of America (2,000 tonnes worth $5.5 million). The value of imports of pasture seeds within this program’s scope from 2001–02 to 2005–06 was $80 million.

The export value of certified pasture seeds has been steadily climbing since 2001–02 from $50.3 million to $60.5 million in 2005–06 – a growth rate of approximately 17%. In 2005–06 Australia exported 14,400 tonnes of pasture seeds valued at $60.5 million. This compares with a five-year average for the period 2001–02 to 2005–06 of 16,500 tonnes and a total value of $270,731 million. The USA is the biggest importer of Australian pasture seeds, namely lucerne (alfalfa), worth $16.4 million to the Australian economy in 2005–06 and worth about 30 % of the Australian pasture seeds export market. There are also expanding markets in China, Argentina, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, China, Korea and Germany. The majority of exports were clover and lucerne seed, providing 2,434 tonnes ($12.5 million) and 6,590 tonnes ($29 million) respectively to the export market.

Future growth of the industry is dependant upon maintaining high quality certified seeds, identifying new markets and targeting cropping to market needs.

The current levy encompasses only a small proportion of the industry and this impacts upon the level of funding that can be generated to support R&D. The R&D Advisory Committee have been working with key stakeholders seeking their assistance in negotiating an expansion to the range of leviable seeds. In addition, a change to current regulation for levy payment is expected to be passed in Parliament in early 2007 to expand the number of authorised levy collection agencies.

Some Key Performance Indicators

  • Presentation of research outcomes at two key industry meetings, to improve industry understanding of R&D results
  • Improved inter-agency cooperation through attendance at two Pastures Australia meetings and funding of one joint project in 2007–08,
  • Uptake of irrigation study results by industry practitioners leads to reduction in water use in South Australia
  • Release of four research reports addressing industry-identified research needs
    Strategies for 2007–08
    • Improving seed production technologies to maximise yield, quality and processing efficiency – particularly in relation to understanding the prevalence and spread of bacterial wilt in lucerne seed crops and all aspects of the maintenance and continued availability of public seed varieties
    • Improving the collection and dissemination of knowledge on the seed industry and support for effective adjustment to change
    • Investigating mechanisms for incorporating environmental considerations in sustainable production systems
    • Fostering emerging sciences / technologies and risk assessment

    Expected key outputs for 2007–08

    • Development of innovative seed production technologies to ensure the commercial success of new varieties
    • Definition of the impact of toad rush (Juncus bufonis) on subterranean clover seed crops
    • Investigation of the impact of conversion from border check to drop tube irrigation for lucerne irrigated with saline water
    • Establishment of a seed scheme for mixed varieties of subterranean clover
    • Participation in the Pastures Australia initiative
    • Presentation of program outcomes at industry meetings

    Expected key outcomes in 2007–08

    • Maximised yield, quality and processing efficiency resulting from identification of improved seed agronomy techniques
    • Improved understanding of crop impacts arising from pasture management practices
    • Improved leverage of research funding through cooperation with other R&D corporations
    • Enhanced understanding of the program objectives and the research undertaken

    • Understanding of how to incorporate environmental considerations in sustainable production systems.

    This sub-program has its own Five Year Plan which is accessible in hardcopy and on the Internet at

    New projects being funded or under consideration in 2007–08 include:
    Project No Title Researcher Phone
    000023 Improved harvesting and thrashing methods for medic and biserrula pods* Leigh Ballard 08 9881 5711
    000024 Agronomic support packages for raised bed lucerne seed production * Luke Kirkby 0428 512 963
    000027 Alternative harvest methods for subterranean clover seed and management of arrowleaf seed crops* Belinda Hackney 02 6938 1858
    000030 Development and assessment of leafcutter bee survival, management and reproduction in Southern Australia Scott Campbell 0417 887 562
    000032 Economic analysis and feasibility study of the Australian lucerne seed industry Tom Yeatman 08 8842 6224

    Note: An asterisk (*) indicates that the Corporation is still to finalise amendments to the project.

    Research Budget:  $495,000


AgFacts - Agricultural information from around Australia

In an effort to bring you the latest and most comprehensive collection of agricultural information from around Australia, we are compiling a list of links to fact sheets produced by State agricultural departments and research agencies. Each agency retains full copyright and we ask you to respect that copyright and to contact each organisation before using their material for other than personal, educational or any other fair dealing purpose. This is the first.

The need for a balanced ration   (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)

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Last updated: August 2008
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