Berkeley UPC - Unified Parallel C

(A joint project of LBNL and UC Berkeley)


NEW -- Berkeley UPC version 2.8.0 released!

The UPC Language

About this UPC program

About this UPC program

 Unified Parallel C (UPC) is an extension of the C programming language designed for high performance computing on large-scale parallel machines.The language provides a uniform programming model for both shared and distributed memory hardware. The programmer is presented with a single shared, partitioned address space, where variables may be directly read and written by any processor, but each variable is physically associated with a single processor. UPC uses a Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) model of computation in which the amount of parallelism is fixed at program startup time, typically with a single thread of execution per processor.

In order to express parallelism, UPC extends ISO C 99 with the following constructs:

The UPC language evolved from experiences with three other earlier languages that proposed parallel extensions to ISO C 99: AC , Split-C, and Parallel C Preprocessor (PCP). UPC is not a superset of these three languages, but rather an attempt to distill the best characteristics of each. UPC combines the programmability advantages of the shared memory programming paradigm and the control over data layout and performance of the message passing programming paradigm.

Our work at UC Berkeley/LBNL

Berkeley UPC downloads since 01/May/2005
Berkeley UPC Runtime:14191
Berkeley UPC Translator: 2479
Combined Total: 16670

The goal of the Berkeley UPC compiler group is to develop a portable, high performance implementation of UPC for large-scale multiprocessors, PC clusters, and clusters of shared memory multiprocessors.  We are actively developing an open-source UPC compiler suite whose goals are portability and high-performance.

There are three major components to this effort:

Some of the research findings from this work can be found on our publications page.

Group Members

Katherine Yelick - Advisor, PI
Dan Bonachea - GASNet, Runtime
Rajesh Nishtala - Applications, GASNet
Paul Hargrove - GASNet
Filip Blagojevic
Costin Iancu - Compiler
Yili Zheng

General contact info

Alumni Members:
Christian Bell, Wei Chen, Jason Duell, Parry Husbands, Mike Welcome

The Berkeley UPC project is funded by the DOE under based program funding from the Office of Science,
through the DOE PModels project, and from the Department of Defense.

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