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Office of International Affairs (OIA)

NTIA’s Office of International Affairs (OIA) is the principal adviser to the President on international telecommunications and information policy. In fulfilling this role, OIA has two primary responsibilities:

Formulate International ICT Policy, Goals, and Strategies

OIA plays an important role in the formulation of the Administration’s international infomation and communications technology (ICT) goals and strategies. By leveraging the expertise of the Office of Spectrum Management, Office of Policy Analysis and Development, Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications, and the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, we are able to provide critical policy and technical analysis to U.S. negotiators and interagency delegations. OIA also advises the Executive Branch on economic, policy, and technology developments important to the global ICT market environment. We provide extensive advice to the Executive Branch regarding management of the Internet’s domain name and numbering system (DNS), a critical aspect of the Internet infrastructure.

Advocate U. S. Policy Interests

OIA applies its policy and technical expertise to advocate and advance U.S. policy interests and objectives in bilateral, regional and multilateral fora and consultations. Our goal is to foster pro-competitive and flexible policy environments that:

  • Bring the benefits of ICTs to the global community
  • Open foreign markets to U.S. telecommunications and information technology companies, and
  • Recognize the important role of all stakeholders in the development and management of the Internet and in telecommunications policy issues arising within the ICT community.

The U.S. government participates in many different international fora in which global telecommunications and information policy is debated and developed. OIA staff participates on the U.S. delegations to these meetings and provide the negotiators and full delegation with critical policy and technical expertise.

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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230