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Carbon Sequestration
Regional Partnerships Project Descriptions

Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership – Characterization Phase
Project # 278

Primary Performing Organization
Southern States Energy Board

The Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SECARB) is one of seven Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships created by DOE in 2003 as part of a national plan to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.  The Characterization Phase is the first of a three phase program.  The Partnerships working together during this first phase will develop a technology framework for the subsequent validation and deployment phases.  The goal of this individual project is to evaluate options and potential opportunities for a region composed of Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and counties in Kentucky and West Virginia.  See Map (from Fact Sheet).


SECARB will define similarities among its states and counties, characterize the region relative to carbon dioxide (CO2) sources, sinks, transportation, sequestration options, and existing and future infrastructure options.  Additional objectives are to:

  • Identify and address issues involved in potential technology deployment.
  • Develop public involvement and education mechanisms.
  • Develop action plans for implementation and technology validation.

The SECARB project will benefit the U.S. by supporting DOE’s national carbon sequestration program through the development of the infrastructure necessary for the validation and deployment of carbon sequestration technologies in its region.

Project Manager:  Karen Cohen,

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