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Onsite Research
Microbiology Laboratory

Detecting and gauging the environmental effects of power plant emissions and contaminants is an important aspect of NETL's effort to ensure clean energy production. NETL's state-of-the-art Microbiology Laboratory carries out significant research to develop biosensors (live organisms) that can detect environmental contaminants such as mercury, which are generated by coal-burning power plants. The laboratory also participates in multi-disciplinary and collaborative research on the use of biological agents to clean up metal- and petroleum-contaminated soils and sediments through fermentation and other natural processes, and the characterization of novel microbial populations that may be present in those environments.

This laboratory contains equipment and facilities for the handling and study of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and other fungi that are commonly found in soil and water. The laboratory also includes epifluorescence microscopes that can be used for molecular biology applications. Specialized equipment, including fluorometers and luminometers, is used in both field and laboratory settings to analyze specimens for surface-associated biofilms and other microbiological phenomena.

Standard Equipment

  • Autoclave and laminar flow hoods
  • Incubators, incubator shakers, and centrifuges
  • Ultraviolet-visual spectrum (UV-VIS) spectrophotometer
  • Automated spiral plater

Microscopy and Molecular Biology

  • Microscopes (phase contrast/epifluorescence) with digital camera
  • Fluorometer, spectrofluorometer, and multiwell-plate luminometer
  • Photometric microplate reader
  • Rapid toxicity testing system (luminescent bacteria)
  • Thermal cycler and electrophoresis units ( e.g ., denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis – DGGE)
  • Chemiluminescence imaging and documentation work station

Microbiology Laboratory

For information contact Hank Edenborn